Thursday, August 27, 2009

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Parts 175 &176)...

Well kids, Uncle Polt's back from the brink. With some help from my buddy Truthspew and a bit of experiemtation with my laptop, I'm back with HNT this week.

In fact, since I missed it last week, I'll post TWO this week.

1) I've been doing some packing to get ready for the move. I cleaned out one section of the house (well part of one room actually) and now have boxes filled with that stuff piled in the dining room. But afterwards, I got a photo of me sweeping up the floor, cause otherwise I knew no one would believe me when I said I did!

and 2) Today I had to go for my quarterly bloodwork. Won't have the results until later this week, although I'm fairly certain the doc won't be thrilled with the results as I've pretty much plateaued in my weight loss since the last time I had bloodwork done. At any rate, they don't use bandaids to cover the injection site anymore. They keep the gause and wrap this thin, colorful ace bandage like stuff around the arm.

I like it, cause as I have pretty freaking hairy arms, yanking a bandaid off can be painful. (and yes, I AM a wuss when it comes to pain, thanks for noticing) There's no pain in the removal of this stuff.

To see what others posted this week go HERE.

POLT Listening to "The Shock Of The Lightning" by Oasis

You've been watching MTV, the cool brainwashing 12 year old and younger channel that hides behind a slick image. - MTV announcer, South Park


Anonymous said...

If you leave that on your arm too long it can actually be worse than a bandaid!

Sheba said...

You do have hairy arms. They look strong though.


Vixen said...

OH.....that's going to hurt. Yikes.

Ashly Star said...

Pain free removal is always a plus!

I hate packing/moving. Good luck with that. Happy HNT!