Monday, August 17, 2009

No one there to turn to, now your options' running thin...

I read in today's paper that Obama says the public option is negotiable, or not a necessity, or something like that.

And to that, I say...oh, HELL no!

The public option is what is NEEDED. Without it, it isn't true health care reform. Without it, we'll be stuck with just private insurance only. Oh, they'll be some more new restrictions, like not denying for preexisting conditions, and stuff that that. And that's important, yes. But without a public option, this 'reform' bill is a fraud.

We need the public option to bring the costs of private insurance under control. I mean, you think private insurance companies are gonna lower their prices out of the goodness of their hearts? NO! They'll only lower their prices under competition...which is after all, what capitolism is all about, right? but there's no true competition among the big insurance companies. If there WAS, prices would be going down, not up. Or at least increases at smaller rates than they are.

Mind you, I've got pretty damn good health insurance through my work. So I myself won't be choosing the public option. But I want it there, in case I get fired, or laid off, or what have you. There needs to be a public option for people in those circumstances. Or for people who's work grossly under-insures them. And the public option is the only things that's gonna be affordable for these people.

I am still a bit annoyed with Obama over his lack of any substantive work on improving gay rights. Hhe could stop Dont Ask Dont Tell prosecutions with a stroke of his pen. He could be using the bully pulpit to get rid of the DOMA. But he isn't. And, as I've already expressed in an email to him, I won't be contributing any more of my gay dollars to his, or any other Democratic's campaign, until I see substantive change. But I still support most of what else he's doing.

However, should he allow the public option to be removed from this bill, then I will work as hard as I can to see the bill defeated. Health Insurance 'reform' that doesn't reform health insurance is something I want no part of. I won't allow the Democrats to permit the Republicans and the wingnuts to scare them into passing a bill with no teeth and then have the Democrats crow about their success at 'health reform' with no consequences. Nope, won't allow it. I'm firing off another email tonight saying basically the same thing. And come 2010, and possibly even 2012 (we'll have to see what happens between now and then), I will not be supporting them with my money, or my vote. I will NOT vote for the homophobic Republicans, I'll just not vote for either.

And I've always hated people that said that. It always seemed to me people who said that were shooting themselves in the foot. And perhaps I am. but if the Democrats aren't going to get Democratic things done, then why should I care who's in office? I mean, it's almost as if my choice has come down to Republicans or Republicans-Lite. And I don't like either of those choices.

IF there's a public option in the plan, then I can support the Democrats. If there's not, I'll withhold my support until I can vote for someone who believes in and will support true Democratic ideals.

I mean, we've got the House, the Senate AND the White House! there is no reason why this can't be done. If the Democrats won't do it now, then I'll wait for a Democrat with the backbone and strength of his convictions and princilpes who WILL get it done.

POLT Listening to "Mersey Paradise" by The Stone Roses Oil: 66.82 (-.65); Gas: 2.60 (-)

The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing - and then marry him. - Cher

1 comment:

middlesex said...

Public option is an essential to the health care reform.