Thursday, August 27, 2009

Outside of town, had no gasoline, i should have fixed that thing...

Well it's me. Typing to you from my apartment, from my laptop. YAY!

Thanks for StratCat45, my co-worker, the goddess of computer tech, she told me what it could be and low and behold it was. I had turned off the wireless card in the laptop. And when I got home, I looked where she told me, and there it was. I turned it on and here I am online.

Technology is great...when it works. Smart friends are even greater when its not.

POLT Listening to the final episode of Torchwood, Season 2

Are the morons getting louder or just dumber? - Mayor Quimby, The Simpsons


Anonymous said...

Is that dog pissing on the laptop?


Polt said...

Yes it is. Thankfully, it's neither my dog nor my laptop. It IS indicitive of how I felt last night though.


stratcat45 said...

goddess? that's one i've never been called - lol!!

Tam said...

We did that with my new laptop, there is just this little slider that is right where your finger rests. My daughter was just kind if running her finger back and forth and switched it off. We panicked as well but figured it out. LOL It shouldn't be that easy to turn the wireless off. WHY would you want the wireless off?

Michelle M. said...

I can't concentrate on the words. The peeing puppy is too cute.