Monday, August 03, 2009

Neatly chiseled, well groomed, drop dead handsome face...

Angel, my mom's dog, is a poodle, thusly, she doesn't shed and needs to have haircuts (furcuts?). The groomer that's been doing it since...well, since we had our first dog, years before Angel was even born, she's just a gerat groomer. Anyway, she had surgery, which meant she couldn't work for a short bit. So, instead of Angel getting cut once every four weeks, as usual, it's been about 6 and a half weeks. She was so furry! And scruffy. But today, was her grooming day, and mom told the groomer to cut her SHORT...and the groomer did!


So here's one taken a few months ago...and she was even scruffier than in this one:

Angel AFTER:

Sorry, the before photo doesn't really show how badly scruffy she was kinda difficult to get a shot of her, cause she didn't want to stand still. However, after coming back from the groomer, and all the stress involved in that, she was quite tired, and it was easy to get the after shot.

We're glad it's done, because with the weather being hot, and humid, and summery and all, we imagine she was pretty hot what with her wearing that fur coat. Hopefully, she'll be cooler now. She's certainly much MUCH less scruffy!

POLT Listening to "Ray Of Light" by Madonna Oil: 71.24 (+1.74); Gas: 2.52 (+.04)

Deep pockets, Petey, deep pockets. You never lose your bagels that way. - Whitey, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy


Michelle M. said...

Very cute : ).

Tam said...

Cute but she looks a bit pissed off in that last picture. LOL

Polt said...

Yeah, she was sleeping and I called her name, and she jerked her head up, saw the camera, and this is what I got. :)