Monday, August 31, 2009

With blue fingers in mittens, she smells like the cat...

I have never watched "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia", but I've heard some great things about it. And now, I just saw this promo for it, and I'm STILL laughing my ass off over it. At the very end, I started crying I was laughing so hard.

This is sheer brillance. Now I'm thinking I really need to start watching this.

POLT Listening to "Fix You" by Coldplay

Drag is when a man everything a lesbian won't.


Anonymous said...

Go check out, they've got several episodes up already. They even have the UK version of Queer as Folk, done much better than the U.S. version IMHO.

BTB, Rob McElhenney is very cute. He's also in Latter Days believe it or not.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! made me and my partner really laugh we played it several times, thanks.