Monday, August 31, 2009

Days go by, and still i think of you...

Yesterday was a pretty decent day. First of all, it was nice and cool, like only mid70's. And for August, that's quite cool and AWESOME (cause, ya know, I hate heat). And there was a breeze blowing which made it even cooler. And there was no sign of rain, it was blue skies and sunshine all day.

Mom and I went for the final walk through of the house with the realtor and were surprised to find some stuff not done. A call to the electrician revealed that she was coming back today, and will have everything done in time. We're going there at 3:00 for the Final final walkthrough.

After this, mom and I had Mexican, and then did some shopping, at Target, The Roomstore, Wal-Mart, and we didn't buy very much at all. WE returned home, I finished my laundry and then came home. I piddled around here, wanting to do some packing, but as happens so many time, didn't actually do any.

WE ate lunch late (like 2:00) so I wasn't hungry again until about 9:00. I decided I'd make myself eggs, toast and such, having breakfast for supper. But my bread was green. I mean, not just a small patch of mold, oh no, the whole bag was filled with greenness. Yeah, that went right into the trash.

The I decided I was just gonna take my book, go to Denny's order breakfast and eat it there. And so I did, having breakfast at 10:00pm. And on the way home, I decided to stop at Wal-Mart in Waynesboro and get a few more things before returning home.

And now today, it's cool again, which I love. Feels like late September/early October, not late August. And at 3:00, we're going for the, as I mentioned, Final final walkthrough. And then at 4:00, we go for settlement.

So, if all goes well, in like 5 hours or less, I should be a home owner.

God, I am scared shitless.

POLT Listening to "Chinese Blues" by Travis

"Do you have any medical conditions?" "Well, I've just been shot." - President Bartlet, The West Wing

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