Monday, August 08, 2005

Alright then, my folk...

Well, last night was it, the series finale of Queer As Folk. I'm conflicted. I'm kinda sad to see it go, it's been a regular part of my Sunday nights since Dec. 2000, and it was truly groundbreaking television, and I enjoyed it. But at the same time, I felt this season's stroylines were rather...lackluster. I felt the show was truly showing it's age, and had almost run out of storylines. It wasnt relaly edgy anymore. So maybe it's good that the show ended before it deteriorated into a parody of itself. Still, it'll be weird not go back into the lives of the Liberty Ave gays on Sunday nights. Well, all good things must come to an end.


"Christ, didn't you get enough last night?" "There is not such thing as enough." - Brian, Queer As Folk

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