Friday, August 12, 2005

Apology I'm sorry, but I have no regrets...

Lone Primate is a blogger from Toronto (lucky bastard) who writes the following about the previous post:

Heya, Polt. :)That quote comes from an article at CounterPunch, an online "magazine" that your more liberal readership might find helpful, and conservatives might find illuminating. I'm particularly fond of the work of Paul Craig Roberts, who was an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration, and so has the street-cred to back up his rather dire warnings about US overspending and the hollowing-out of the US manufacturing base: both things that need to be reversed, soon and quickly.

I need to apologize to Mr. Primate cause I copied the story below from his blog and gave him no credit for it. But he, being a nice Canadian (which are really redundant terms) he went ahead and posted the original source here. Thanks, Primate, and thanks for reading the blog.

Man, I LOVE Toronto...I'll be back up there the first weekend in October...can't wait for it to get here...


The last chicken leg. Here, you're the chicken hawk. - Mike, Queer As Folk

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