Friday, August 12, 2005

Little Blue, how do you do...

Whilst trolling around the Internet, I discovered and I added them to my Haunts section on the left there. They have all kinds of stuff for the blue stater, progressive, Democratic, definately-NOT-Bushie lovers among us. I found something that I loved, and so I bought three, one for me, one for Ag and one for Lil Mary Helmer at work (a blue stater from WAY back...she's older than my mom):

And I proudly wore mine to work today:

Got asked about it by two people, one a far right Bushie Republican and the other a pretty apathetic non-voter. I love this. I always see people (even over at work) wearing those WWJD bands, or Lance Armstrong bands, or pink for breast cancer bands, etc, etc, ad nauseum. And now, I can show my support for a cause very important to me. Fads are cool. (see that? That was sarcasm)


"My ass is looking a little peeked." "It needs a rest." -Brian, Queer As Folk

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