Monday, August 22, 2005

Get up, drop the bombshell...

Took a quiz recently (no I didn't save the site I got it from, sorry) called "Who Is Your Inner Bombshell?" Obviously, the quiz was meant for women, but I thought, hey, I'm close enough. Turns out my Inner Bombshell is Lucille Ball, which I found hilarious, and not altogether that surprising, when you think about it. Anyway, my point in posting all that here is that the questions, i thought, were funny than the outcome. So, I've reproduced that questions, and my answers here as well.

Who is your inner bombshell?
How would you describe your hair?
-bleached within every inch of it's life
-the same color it's always been, i like it natural
-i'm a redhead, by choice or by birth
-the darkest color imaginable
-i change the color almost as often as I change my men.
(well I saw no reason to lie on the quiz, but I chuckled at the 1st and last answer)

What do you look for in a man?
-it's all about the size of his....wallet
-an exotic man from another country will do just fine!
-a loving partner with a soft touch. someone to hold my hand.
-i don't have much time for men, but big and famous men are one's i'll slow down for.
-::diamonds diamonds diamonds::
(the wallet answer was tempting...but the last one had me chuckling too)

What would the title of your autobiography be?
-The Art and Power of Being a Lady
-My Love Affair With Jewelry
-Ball of Fire: The Tumultuous Life and Comic Art of...
-Goodness Had Nothing To Do With It
(Oh, how tempted I was to pick the 1st or 4th answer, cause really I loved them both. but the one i picked seemed most appropriate)

What's your favorite part of your body?
-My big feet
-My sleepy eyes and pouty lips
-My ballerina like legs
-Everything, honey.
-My dark, doe-like features
("Ballerina like legs"! I was tempted with the 4th one...but then I thought, well, the 1st one could be good too!)

How many times will you get married?
-Isn't that a rather personal question?
-Marriage is a great institution. I'm not ready for an institution.
-Three times. Love is fickle and I swoon easily.
-Eight times. What do you expect me to do? Sleep alone?
-Twice. Although I hate the idea of divorce, sometimes people aren't just right for each other.
(hey, is there any OTHER choice I could have made here?)

What does a normal day for you consist of?
-usually lounging around home sipping champagne all day until i realize that i forgot to do something important.
-sex, sex and more sex
-gosh by the time i wake up and decide what diamonds to wear my day's already half over!
-Normal? There is no such thing as a normal day in my life. I'm a troublemaker!
-gardening, playing with my many animals, supporting one of my many charities, just being lovely
(and really, is there ANY other choice I could have made here?)

And so, Lucille Ball it is. But the other answers are entertaining as well. Not as entertaining and fighting with a little old Italian lady in a vat of grapes or trying to keep up with chocolates on a conveyuor belt, but what can ya do?


If you ask me, nobody makes a better woman than a gay man. - Emmett, Queer As Folk

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