Monday, August 29, 2005

O jealousy, is she fine....

What is best about this picture is not the tight top, nor the cup placement, nor the boob tattoo, nor even the crown (although that IS pretty nifty). It's the look on the other woman's face. You can see she's enviously thinking, "Vicki-Lou, you cheap whore, it's bad enough you not only have more teeth than me, and you've had more men this past week than I have, but dammit, why did the good Lord above give me such a paltry bosom in comparison to yours? Oh, if only I too could hold my beverage with my breasts, then Billy-Joe-Jim-Bob would take me to the NASCAR race in his 1975 Chevy pickup with that new coat of primer on it! "

White trash...ya gotta love em, for entertainment value if nothing else.


Fucking beauty queens, blowing was the most horrible thing I've ever seen! - Drop Dead Gorgeous

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