Monday, August 29, 2005

You can canel your plans, cancel your man...

Mama Polt is coming home. She arrived in Boston at 4:30 pm Sunday afternoon and will leave on a plane Monday aftenoon at 2:30pm. Why? Because of Hurricane Katrina. Yeah, go figure that one out. Due to a hurricane striking Lousiana, the director of mom's department canceled all travel and vacation, and ordered everyone back to thier jobs. How a a hurricane hitting the Gulf Coast affects an employee at a convention in Boston who works an hour out of DC is beyond me. But then, it's the fedeal government, and as we know, THIS particular administration is not ruled by logic.
Mom wont get to see Fenway Park or a few other attractions she wanted to see, and she wont get all those freebies she usually gets, but that's really the only way it affects her. But for you and me, Joe Taxpayer, that means the money the government spent on registration for the whole week, and hotel rooms for the whole week, not to mention emergency flight tickets home, is just so much wasted cash. And this is just for one person. Let's not forget ALL the personnel of her department traveling all over the country, hell the world for that matter. ALl have to immediately return home.

And no one knows why. Is it because they were afraid the hurricane would be around Boston on Thursday when their flight was originally to leave? No. Are they calling them home to send them to Louisiana to help with government efforts there? No. They just want them home for the emergency.

What a crock. Wasn't it the Republicans about, oh 12 years ago or so, that said if they got in power, they'd curtail government waste and spending? And yet, not only do they do something stupid like this, but the budget deficit is at an all-time high, Congressional staffing and budgets have gone through the roof, and we're giving huige tax breaks back to rich people.

And yet, they still keep getting re-elected. What fools the American people be.


"How old are you?" "How old do you want me to be?" - In The Flesh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sheesh. Did the Bushwack admin really feel the need to have so many FEMA workers go to Louisiana just to help with handling out all of the bibles that they have pledged as disaster relief??

Methinks that the fools are those Bushwack hating folks who failed to go out and vote in the last election.

Fairy Godfather.