Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Worry worry worry is all I can do...

I worry. No, not normally. Normally, I am one of the most stress free people I know. I try to just let shit roll right off. but lately, like in the last few days, I have been SO stressed. My stomach's been upset, I have a slight headavhe most of the time, and last night, I could NOT get to sleep cause all I did was think about this stupid shit.

What was a worrying about? In no particular order, they are:

1) That audit at work, which was finished today. WE got 100% on one section and 97.8 % on another so obviously we passed the audit. And so, THAT particular problem should be gone now.

2) BUT, there's talk of a major reorganization of my jobs duties, which kinda pisses me off, cause I don't WANT to do what they're gonna give me to do, but at the same time, I've done it before, so I know how to do it. Whatever...

3) My tooth. yeah I know this one's kinda stupid, but I KNOW I'm either gonna have to have it pulled or have a root canal, and I am just SUCH a pain when it comes to mouth pain. My mind goes, like which one should i have done, and when, cause I have training the middle of the month and I'm going to Toronto the end of the month, and I'd like to wait until afterwards, but what if it flares up rightin themiddle of Toronto???

4) My money sitaution, which sucks. yeah, I shouldn't be bitching about money if I'm going to Toronto for a week, but man, I really dont have the money for it, but I HAVE to go, cause i've been nagging one friend for like 5 years to go along, and he finally agreed to go, and I can't back out now...and this will, barring any surprising upturn in my income, be last time fora little while that I go...but up and beyond that, when i return, I'm gonna have to REALLY cut back and save and pay off debts....PB&J and grilled cheese for everyone!

5) the price of gas. I'm not so worried about IT specifically, but what these insane increases will do to my financial state...

Yeah, I know, people have no homes, or incomes or have lost family members along the Gulf, and MY problems dont even compare to that, and i understand that and am not sympathetic to their plight...BUT their problems are not mine (thank GOD) and my problems ARE mine, and those are the problems I have to deal with, so comparing them to someone else's is like apples to oranges.

Anyway, I just hope I can get past all this i HATE feeling this way...stressed and all!


Karma Police, arrest this girl, her Hitler hairdo is making me feel ill. And we have crashed her party. - Radiohead, Karma Police

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