Friday, August 05, 2005

Grand theft auto, you will lead me down...

Does anyone else find the stink over the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, ironic? In case you haven't heard, with a patch, or something, that a hacker found, you can add it to the game so that the guy you are playing can have "explicit" sexual intercourse with his girlfriend. This was discovered recently, and people well frothing at the mouth insane over it. how dare my little Johnny (no relation to Johnnie) have a video game where he can have sex with a woman! Oh my GOD, what IS this world coming too?? All the mouthy scolds on the talk radio circuit and their conservative cronies, went into seizures. Copies of it were ripped off the shelves and returned. And don't be surprised if there's a COngressional investigation (anything to keep Congress away from REAL issues, which translate into issues that dont fit easily into a 10 second sound byte and are not easily solved, but easily demagouged).

Now the ironic part to me is, do there people know what the game is about? I mean, you've got a guy racing all over this city, through traffic and stuff, and shooting cops, and hittin ho's and punching out thier pimps and all kinds of stuff like that. But what do we get upset over??? SEX! Oh my God, save me from the modern day puritans.

It's the same thing with movies: Show a guy ripping the arms off a girl, or ramming a sharp meatl object through her head, and we'll give it an R rating and call it a horror flick. But show a man and a woman engaged in a scene of true love, and/or making love, and it gets a NC-17, or X rating, and then doesn't get shown anywhere.

Ot like people being killed in all SORTS of horrid ways on any version of Law & Order or CSI, and that's PRIME TIME television, but show full frontal nudity (not even sex) and there's no way the networks will touch it.

Should we be telling our kids that violence is more acceptable than love? Is it any wonder we have the crime and social problems we do?

Man, what a bunch of hypocrites!


When you wake up with bruises tomorrow remember, we TRIED to do this the easy way. - Troia, The Titans #27

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