Saturday, August 20, 2005

Desecrate the vows within...

Got this from The Inside Dope :

It seems a good Amurican by the name of Larry Northern decided that what to do was to plow his pick-up over hundreds of crosses and flags representing the fallen soldiers from Iraq which lined the road near where Cindy Sheehan and others are staging their peace vigil.

Wonder why the right wing patriotic flag defenders aren't howling their heads off? They're strangly silent.

Yeah, I wonder why that is? They're the ones that want a Constitutional Admendment against flag burning, right? Oh but I guess it's okay to run the flags over, just not burn them. Or maybe it's okay to desecrate a flag, in any way, so long as you're doing it to support the current administration?

They get all wound up into a lather when someone burns a flag in protest (which by the way is the way you are supposed to dispose of flags), but don't bat an eye when someone plows them over because they were an embarrassment to Bushie?

Buncha hypocrites.


"His ass gets more compliments than the burgers!" "That's cause his buns are fresh!" - Ted, Queer As Folk

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