Thursday, August 25, 2005

We could write a four chord wonder...

Phoenix wrote me four, count em, four comments tonight. WHoo-hoo! Without further ado (or adont) let's get to em!

In regards to the "Ub" sign i had posted, he writes:

...and surprisingly the picture came out clear...

I don't know why he's surprised. I mean, I know my camera takes clear pictures, and I assume HE can take clear pictures (especially since I had the damn car stopped right next to the sign) I think he just lacks appropriate faith in our team, photo taking abilities...
In regards to my....mood....he writes:

...and of course the warden didn't help any...

Okay, Phoenix, this is venturing into subject matter that is just better off NOT tread upon. (ya know, most inmates, at some point in time, get out from under the oppression of a warden eventually, whether by getting out when their sentence ends, whether they get out on a technicality, or whether they just escape and run away. And you've been married now HOW long......)
In regards to the one quiz I had listed, he writes:

okay here's my results...70% SCIENTIFIC INTUITION and47% EMOTIONAL INTUITION I ended up more or less in the middle of the graph but slowly drifting toward the "geek" vortex.

Drifting towards the "geek" how many times have I TOLD you to be careful where you're going and watch that nasty drift of yours!?!
And finally, in regards to the other quiz, he writes:

Okay Polt, here are my "Advanced Global Personality Test" Results:
Cool! Lay em on me, man!

Stability results were medium which suggests you are moderately relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Okay, this is you, I think.

Orderliness results were high which suggests you are overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense too often of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.
Well you ARE organized, reliable and neat, haven't called you anal retentive before? And as for the others, aren't I always telling you to lighten, let go, go wild? (Course, with being at the other end of the spectrum, well, i wouldn't want to go that far...might hurt yourself trying to become like me.)

Extraversion results were low which suggests you are very reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.
I don't think you're secretive at all, but the others are pretty accurate I think. Freaky, how good these quizzes are, huh?

I guess this is probably not too suprising. Just boring, un-fun, un-spontaneous, reclusive me... :(
Oh, don't be silly. If you were boring, un-fun, and reclusive, would I want ANYTHING to do with you? NAH! (you could be a little more spontaneous, but, hell I been working on ya about that for years, so it's like a game now) Besides, opposites attract, that's why we get along so well. And Christ, if you like me, the two of us would have just spontaneously combusted YEARS ago! You're Phoenix, just the way you are, and that's good enough!


Superman, have I told you I love you? In a really butch, hetero guy-to-guy sort of way, I mean. I mean, in the same way I love Joe DiMaggio! - Plastic Man, JLA Incarnations #7


Anonymous said...

Thanks to a nice thing called a bookmark, I found your blog. It's so nice that I've made it onto one of the comments. I think that being allowed to visit with you once a week should be considered being released from prison. And besides, if you have a problem with everyone paying for their own meal each week, you know where I live.

Anonymous said...

Previous post from the Warden