Saturday, August 27, 2005

Come on, meet me in the boys bathroom...

Last week, kids, Uncle Polt undertook a daunting and dangerous task. One that he only undertakes under EXTREME circumstances. One that he dreads doing, but knows must be done regardless. A deed that has planted fear firmly into the hearts of the courageous, and sends the brave and adventurous running for their lives.

Uncle Polt cleaned his bathroom.

Yes, yes, I know what you're saying, oh the Doubting Thomas-es (Thomas-i?) among you, I can hear you all now: NowWay! You're lying! It's about time! Ew! But I assure you I did. And as proof, I have.....before and after pictures.

Now I give you all fair warning here: the before photos are not fit for man nor beast (actually, the after photos aren't all THAT much better, but I digress), so lock up the old folks, hide the children, secure the pets.....I give you....Uncle Polt's Bathroom Photos!

The Bathroom: before and after

The Sink: before and after

The Toilet: before and after

Don't ask about the shower...what you think I have a death wish? There's some things even Uncle Polt can't do without a HazMat suit, an independent air supply, and probably some Xanax. But at least, I can now allow other to use the bathroom and not suggest that they NOT turn on the light and just use it by the night light.


The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote. - Kosh, Babylon 5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, I was forced to do that last week. :) When I was out at Hanlan's Point with Dave from Rochester a couple weekends ago, something happened to the lights in the bathroom... and, weirdly enough, the outlet my microwave oven and toaster share in the kitchen at the opposite end of the apartment. Clearly, they were on the same circuit (who knew?), but for the life of me, I couldn't find any burnt out fuses in the fusebox (building dates from 1965, well before household breakers). So, I knew I'd need management's help, and that meant... CLEANING UP A BACHELOR PAD. Just imagine. I had to vacuum, mop the floors, put stuff away, clean the toilet (okay, I left out my books on the vanity, for vanity's sake... "look, I'm well-read!"), wash the dishes (how could they pile up, why doesn't someone clean those things? Oh, wait... yeah...)... Anyway, it turned out it WAS a burnt-out fuse. How embarrassing. But, at least my apartment's clean... for the next week or two. Figure it's due again around Hallowe'en. :)