Saturday, August 13, 2005

They'll call the cops, cause I'm the godfather...

My Fairy Godfather, Marky the Greek, commented twice today. Firstly, he writes:

Hmmmmm. But he has no hangups at all about paying $160 (or more) to an oily smelly twink for a lap dance at Remingtons in Toronto, but $20 to help support the traveling trailer trash....??? Hmmmmm.

Okay, not its very important that we get some things clear right off the top. It was only that much once, the FIRST time when I didn't understand the way the pricing went...I still think that bastard Blaine took advantage of me! And the worst oiled twink I cold find in Remingtons is STILL better than the best guy working that carnival. But, of course, if there's a carnie down there that could work at Remingtons, well HELL, you BET I'd help the guy out with a few bucks. Look here and see if you dont agree.

Anyway, carnivals (and local fairs) are totally expected to contain everything that you've mentioned. That's why people go. Your curmudgeonly attitude indicates that you are definately pushing the 50 mark (oops!!! 40, sorry). Also, lets not forget that some of our close friends who used to live in gated communities now are living in quaint little trailer parks (!!!) and don't appear to be "grimy" or "greasy".

Well pftt, of COURSE I'm not talking about ALL trailer park folk. I've got several friends that live in trailer parks. I've had some pretty hot sex in trailers. But I'm not talking about those kinds of people. I'm talking about trailer park trash, and that is an important distinction. Trailer Park Trash are....are...are the kind of people that go to the Waynesboro Volunteer Fireman's Carnival, and live in trailers. Hell, some trailer trash, I'd venture to say, don't even LIVE in trailers, they just wish they could.

Curmudeonly, my ass....

I prefer the term 'masculine clean trailer troll' for myself, although 'gated community troll' did have a certain ring to it.Your "fairy Godfather"(age 46, not bear hairy, weighing only 158 at 5'10", and with a sweet smelling ass despite the current trailer park well water system)

Hehehehehehe.....always good for a laugh. I'm kinda surprised, though, that you didn't mention if you went to the Carnival when you lived in Waynesboro? You DID go, didn't you? But for further backing to my opinion, I offer Amie's posting below, a totally unsolicited comment on the carnival, from someone who was there.
And, he later writes:

How many converstations/discussions with you about political stuff have I cut short because I knew that I would not make a dent in your exterior despite using logic and factual information??There are lots of wingnuts out there when it comes to controversial issues. Most of them are in the government already or at least have political science degrees. (grin)

Yes, but those wingnuts of us who have poli sci degrees can actually talk about the issues intelligently. Nothing is so funny as an uninformed expert. I mean, you've got to look elsewhere than Fox News for your information. And I doubt C looks beyond that at all.

And contrary to what you may say here, if you cut short the discussion it wasn't because you thought I was undentable (?), but because it must have become obvious to you that you were wrong, and you properly gave up. Or I simply overwhelmed you with the strength of my arguements. yeah, that's the ticket....


Pathetic, isnt it? Straight people and their silly little rituals. - Melanie, Queer As Folk

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