Saturday, August 20, 2005

It don't talk back unless the wind blows...

Got a few comments here....

First up is Johnnie:

i'm in favor of allowing morons to weed themselves out of the population. the only bad thing is that when they don't have insurance the tax payers end up footing their bill to pay for their stupidity. there should be an addendum to the bill saying that if you're in a motorcycle accident and aren't wearing a helmet, you get no medical treatment without payment. i vote yea

This was in regards to the post I made about motorcylists not being required to wear helmets, and I'll tell ya, John, if we could get that clause added to the law, I'd have no problems with it either.
Next we have this one:

good post... thanks

you are certainly welcome, but since it was sent anonymously, then I have no idea who's thanking me and who I've just welcomed. I know there's a way I can disable the anonymous option, I just have to find it. That would cut down on some of this stuff too, I imagine. Although, anonymously or not, I still appreciate the thanks.
Next in line is this one, in regards to the post about the dangers of masturbation (heheh, still make laugh, that one does...)

holy guacamole, I just snarfed my coffee reading that story

This one is from Dale, who has his blog at DC Gays Of Our Lives which is also listed to the left. It's a blog by a gay couple in DC (OBVIOUSLY) but a lot of thier posts contain things that make laugh, not as a gay man, but as a human being (the grandmother and her wig in the Chinese restuarant in particular had me laughing). Thanks for stopping by, Dale.
And finally we have this one in response to the boxer shorts in the road post:

oh, so that's where i left them! man, i tell yah, if i'm not making drunken phone calls i'm forgetting about, i'm leaving my underwear halfway across the state. and i swear to god, that girl was 20 yrs younger and had all her teath the night before....ugh. -anonymous drunkard w/ dog

See,, I mean, Anonymous Drunkard W/Dog, Wild Turkey is NOT your friend. Nope. No matter how much Johnny Walker, and Jose Cuervo may tell you its so, it just isn't. Think of your poor undies, for God's sake! Won't someone please think of the undies????


in case anyone's following the continuing saga....the scanner is still securely in its box.

I don't have to compromise my principles because they don't have the slightest bearing on what happens to me anyway. - Calvin & Hobbes

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