Wednesday, May 31, 2006

God save your mad parade...

Every Memorial Day, my town has a big parade. Yeah, it's one big shin-dig here. Only things that compete with it are the 4th of July Parade and the Christmas Parade, where Santa comes to town. Whoo-hoo.

I shouldn't mock, cause I go to them all. (Well not the Christmas Parade, as that's always on a Saturday and I work Satrudays). ANd the Memorial Day one always has a bus of veterans from the nearby Vet Hospital. We always all applaud them as they go by. And this year, walking behind the high school band was an older Veteran, I'm gonna assume from WWII, in full uniform from them, walking along with everyone else in the parade. In all that heat. But he didn't show any signs of tiring, he walked chest out and prohd, God bless him.

This year also had my cute cousin Cam there as well, for the first time (he just turned one the week before). I got a few photos of him (and as a proud cousin, I'll post 'em here).

From the second one, you can obviously tell the parade was quite tiring. I held him for a good while, and he rested his head on my shoulder and just watched everything go by. But when he was getting real close to dropping off to sleep, I gave him to his dad, where the last photo was taken.

Also, there were quite a few hot guys there. (Naturally, I'm on the lookout for them!) Even with my zoom, my camera coudl only do so much. This first guy in the basketball jersey, was pretty hot, had the cutest face of anyone there, not that you can really see his face. And this one guy had the best body of anyone there! WOOF!

But after posting the two photos of Cam, Blogger decided to go on the rag again, and not allow me to put anymore photos to this post. That's like the third time that's happened in the last two days, and it's very irritating. Nonetheless, I'll write about them here and then maybe soon Post those photos.

At ANY rate, so yeah, I was into watching the parade, and those that were watching the parade as well. Nothing wrong with that, eh?

POLT = listening to "Get Em Up" by Paul Oakenfold

"But you're not a girl! And why wuold a man want to marry a man?" "Security?" - Jack Lemmon, Some Like It Hot


Rebecca said...

POLT!! Guess what!! I actually thought about YOU when I found this out, and then came here to TELL you...and here you are blogging about a parade...

Me and a few of my girliefriends are going to be in New York the 23rd - 25th of June...we're going to The NYC March!!

Not sure if you really even care...but when I found out, for some reason the first thing that popped into my mind was the beautiful necklace your friend made for you for the DC rally...and I just wanted to share :D

Anonymous said...

I miss the good old holiday parades. You were probably watching them when I was marching in the band.


Polt said...

Becca: that sounds AWESOME! have fun!

Amie: I probably was...although I didn't know to look for you then.