Sunday, January 18, 2009

Blame it on the bossanova...

Got this off of Stephen Rader's blog. It's Judy Garland, wearing a bowler with some kinda feather thing attached, dancing to Quincy Jones' Bossanova, with a group of similarly strangely attired gay men, er...I mean dancers, in black and white in the mid-1960's apparently.

I'm not really a Judy Garland fan as is the generation of gay men that proceeded me, but I can appreciate who and what she was to them. SHE was an entertainer. I mean, as you can see from the video, she was a smidge off the moves, but she still made it through, despite enough liquor and pills in her system to stun a bull elephant. SHE was an entertainer.

I mean, really, nothing compares now. You give Britney two cans of Iron City beer and a percocet and she's running around L.A. sans panties and pummeling cars with umbrellas. It's sad, really.

POLT Listening to the Ravens-Steelers football game

It's very interesting when you think about it, slaves who left here to go to America, because of their steadfast and their religion and their belief in freedom, helped change America. - George W. Bush


Stephen R. said...

Glad you're gaining an appreciation for Judy! She was one of the greatest - - if not THE greatest - - entertainer of the 20th century. Period!

And that hat - - Divoon!

Anonymous said...

I know, modern performers can't even handle their liquor or drugs. It's such a shame.

That said, the music in the background? That's Quincy Jones "Soul Bossa Nova"

Probably more well know form the Austin Powers movies than anything.

Anonymous said...

WOW Judy, she was a goddess. Too bad she led such a tragic life. I bet this clip is more like the fifties than the 60's.
