Friday, January 09, 2009

Ready for this, get started, get busy, word up...

I just can NOT get started today. I've been at work a few hours, had two cups of coffee, lunch, Pepsi with lunch, and motivation. Oh, I've done some work, but I've spent more time talking to co-workers and visiting repeatedly Puntabulous, and my Yahoo account, and even visited the Palace a few times to read the new comments. But work...geez, I just can't get into it. And the problem is, I've still got a backload of stuff to catch up on from the holidays (when I only worked four days out of 16).

*SIGH*.....well, I guess posting here isn't gonna help with anything....



JW said...

I've been a bit like this for the entire year ;)

The Net is such a disraction and you haven't helped me at all by pointing me at Puntabulous! I'm in charge of Internet access at work ... perhaps I should ban myself?

I hope your day picked up :)

Ray Avito said...

The weekend was being needy and wrapped it's arms around you too early is all...

Yeah, I've been goofy like this all day.

Anonymous said...

I had the same kind of day and it went on and on and on...