Saturday, January 24, 2009

Shot of mine, superimposed together, i'll zoom in on you...

This guy, David Bergman, took a 1474-megapixel photo during Obama's inaugural.

It's HERE.

The coolest thing about it is, you can zoom in and out of it like you can on Google Maps!! I mean you can zoom in so clost on the crowds you can see their faces! Not to mention th dignitaries behind Obama and even the musicians that played sitting above him! Give it a go, and see who you can find!


POLT Listening to "In Between Days" by The Cure

The differences are vast between the Nazis and the Bush Administration. For one, Hitler was not an incoherent child with a knack for wreaking havoc on the world through misplaced words and confusion over who our real enemy is (ie the shared notion that is was Saddam Hussein who masterminded the 9/11 attacks, not Osama bin Laden, our one-time ally). Hitler was charasmatic, rather than rich and well-connected, and he was passionate about his beliefs (however distorted and hateful) while our current administration acts not from the heart, but from the pockets of multi-billion dollar corporations. - Ian Blair, May 7, 2008

1 comment:

Tam said...

Wow, that was so cool. Those people in the media bleachers looked pretty cold.