Tuesday, January 13, 2009

You gotta say it, you gotta say it, solomon...

Ya know, as I wrote a post a few days ago, I was trying to sum up my feelings about this political thing. And then I read this post from Scott at Bill In Exile, and he said it EXACTLY the way I meant to. I give it to you in its entirety:

In the future, when discussing or thinking about this point in our nation's history, always remember that on the most important issue of this generation there were those of us who were right all along and those who were disastrously fucking wrong.

The fact that [Andrew Sullivan] and people of his ilk may have had a Road to Damascus moment in their lives concerning the war in Iraq doesn't do a fucking thing for the thousands of American boys and girls who are dead, the tens of thousands who are maimed and the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who have been killed and made homeless because of their mistake.

'Oops' doesn't fucking cut it and they should be reminded of their horrible error for the rest of their lives in the hopes that they are less sanguine in the future about supporting the idiotic, bloodthirsty policies of our government.

That's all.

Amen, brother man, amen.

POLT Listening to "Why Me?" by the Planet P Project

Then I went for a run with the other dog and just walked. And I started thinking about a lot of things. I was able to - I can't remember what it was. Oh, the inaugural speech, started thinking through that. - George W. Bush

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