Saturday, July 30, 2005

300 bars and running...

WHOO-HOOO! Just passed the 300 visitor mark! And it's only been 8 days since we reached 200. Thanks guys! It does my heart good to know somebodys reading the crap I'm writing. I'll try to post less crap, and just keep the fun and interesting stuff.
Chris wrote three more comments! He's now is second place in the commentors competition, but a distant second behind Johnnie. Anyway, he writes:

The restaurant is actually named "Cafe Del Sol" and it has become very popular in the past year or so that it has been in Greencastle. The food is always great, but yes the restaurant does get kind of crowded at times. For the longest time they had advertised help wanted signs in the window so service has not always been the greatest. However, the cuisine is to die for. Glad you enjoyed it.

It seems everyone that goes there enjoys it, so if there's any readers here who can go to it, and havent, you outta try it.

Polt, man you are such a Slug! I mean I have problems hitting the snooze alarm too many times every day, but seriously does someone need to come over there and kick you out of bed every morning? :)

You sound surprised that I'm a slug. Frankly, I'm surprised at your surprise. And if you're offering to come kick me outta bed, I might take you up on that. I would, of course, prefer a lil Asian twinkie with a hairthing...but if you're offering, hey, beggars can't be choosers, ya know?

Argh! I'm having flashbacks from all those days of playing "Road to the White House".

SIGH....yeah, they were good times. And that map DID look kinda similar, didn't it. Oh by the way, just so everyone knows, Johnnie called me Friday night. It seems he has shown his ex-girlfriend (the one that i REALLY like) how to play Road To The White House, and they were playing it for the first time....and she was KICKING his ASS! hehehehehehehe......

Karma's a bitch, aint it John?


Most marriages are living with someone you don't particularly care about, but who makes it impossible for you to meet someone you might care about. - My First Date

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