Saturday, July 16, 2005

The fairy tale world inside can bring it to you...

SO, I have a tale for all of you. Sit back and enjoy.

Let's say there are two friends: Guy 1 and Guy 2. Guy 2 has a girlfirend, Guy 1 does not. On Guy 1's birthday, both Guys, the girlfriend and another girl go out together to celebrate. And celebrate they do. And hours later, after many drinks, beers and shots, Guy 2 and the girlfriend go home, and Guy 1 starts home on his own, drunk off his ass, about 10 sheets to the wind, giving shit-faced falling down drunk a new definition. Guy 1, on the way home, decides to make use of his cellphone, and calls people. How many, he's not sure. he finds out later he calls one friend about 5 hours away at 1:30 in the morning and calls another friend at least 7 times, leaving the voicemails to prove it. Guy 1 eventually finds his way home, despite professing to one friend on his cellphone that "I love you man!" in the drunken, frat boy way that drunken frat boys are known for. Guy 1 reaches his front door, can't find his keys and then his cellphone suddenly goes dead, leaving the friend he was talking to thinking perhaps the phone was dropped, or Guy 1 just passed out on his front stoop.

In the meantime, Guy 2 and girlfriend get to Guy 2's apartment. Girlfriend goes inside, for some reason Guy 2 goes back outside, and gets locked out, with the girlfriend inside passed out. With no way in, and his cellphone luckily handy, he calls Guy1 to ask if he can come over. Guy1's response is "yeah" and a hangup. So Guy2 walks over to Guy1's, and getting no response at the door, calls Guy1 again. Guy1, inside the apartment, tells Guy2 to come in, and hangs up. Of course, the door is locked, thus preventing Guy2 from coming in. SO he has to call Guy1 AGAIN, and this time, Guy1 opens the door. he is wearing nothing but his boxer shorts. He was apparently in the process of bringing his lower intestines up through his throat, and didn't bother to stop to answer the door. No, indeed, he was puking while answering the door. And, in fact, it appeared he had puked all during his walk to the front door, because there were several puddle of the alcoholically drenched puke throughout the house.

So Guy2 sleeps somewhere in the apartment, Guy1 has no idea, because the entire night, say after 1130 is a total blank. But when Guy2 gets up at 500am, he wakes Guy1, who apparently has some sort of coherent conversation with him, before passing out again (and having no recollection of Guy2 even being there at all).

Now might be an appropriate time to mention that Guy1 has a rather large long haired dog whom we shall call simply Dog. When Guy1 awoke, and saw Dog near him, he petting him as he always does and realized there was something in Dog's hair, on his back and side. At first, Guy1 thought it was hair gel, but upon further consideration, he realized it was puke of the human kind. Sometime during the night, Dog had discovered these puddles of liquid he had probably never smelled before, had decided that he definately needed to smell like that, and rolled in it. As well ate some of it, as dogs are known to do.

So now, not only is Guy1 hungover..a hangover of Biblical proportions I would assume, and not only does he have all his various puddles of vomit, but now, he's somehow got to get Dog...unpukified? And all the while, his liver, or what is left of it, is probably screaming for a medic and cursing him as well.

Now I'm not saying this story is true...all I'm saying is I'm glad I'm not the one who took Guy1 out for his birthday.


Scandal always outlives honor. - Dragonlance Tales, Vol 3


Anonymous said...

i didn't find that to be a very amusing story. in fact, i found that to be a very very bad story. all i can say is that i feel bad for guy 1. the poor guy probably didn't know his friends would be so cruel as to buy him multiple shots all night to wash down the beer and wine. and i'm willing to bet guy 1 STILL hasn't gotten the puke smell out of his dog and carpet.

Anonymous said...

I sort of got lost in the story.
How did guy 1 get into his apartment since he couldn't locate his keys and his cell phone went dead? How was guy 2 able to contact guy 1 inside of his apartment since guy 1's cell phone had previously gone dead??

Meanwhile, I still think that kitty puke is much much less offensive than the multiple puddles of human alcohol puke that you've so kindly referenced in your story. The cleanup of the dog and the puke would take quite some time, don't you think? You should have cleaned up the kitty puke. At least it would have only taken a single paper towel and only a few seconds. (grin)


Anonymous said...

Your story is long and it rambles but I do not feel sorry for Guy 1 or Guy 2. I feel sorry for Montana the dog. OOps I guess I should say Dog. I think the "DOG" needs a new home where he would not have to worry about puddles of puke. DOG can always stay with Auntie Ag where he would always smell sweet
If this was a true story.

Anonymous said...

i think guy 1 takes great care of his dog. i bet guy 1 even had a friend watching his dog for him while he was out. i bet guy 1 was so considerate he even took dog outside in the morning despite an ungodly hangover. i'm sure auntie ag would take good care of dog, but i bet this theoretical guy 1 takes amazing care of dog who is probably theoretically sitting at home in the A/C right now while guy 1 sweats at work

Anonymous said...

i think guy 1 takes great care of his dog. i bet guy 1 even had a friend watching his dog for him while he was out. i bet guy 1 was so considerate he even took dog outside in the morning despite an ungodly hangover. i'm sure auntie ag would take good care of dog, but i bet this theoretical guy 1 takes amazing care of dog who is probably theoretically sitting at home in the A/C right now while guy 1 sweats at work