Friday, July 01, 2005

I am yours from head to toe, sweet baby....

This is an update on a post earlier today. In the afternoon, I went to the department when S. works. She was at her desk, with her shoes off, and rooting around in her purse. I started to ask a question to someone else who worked there, but S., upon seeing me, said, "Hey!" a big smile on her face, but I knew it was just an illusion, ready to morph at any minute into some other emotion.

Before I could say anything, she yanked her hand out of her purse, and held there a bottle of nail polish. "Here, you can paint my toenails!" "WHAT?" I asked. I couldn't believe she would even think that. "I've never done that, i don't even know HOW to do that. And we're at work, I can't paint your toenails here, you shouldn't even paint them here." But I could see, it was pointless, for as I spoke, the face morphing I mentioned took place. her eyes teared up, her bottom lip pouted out, and her own face just kinda...melted, from one of joy to one of disappointment and almost crying. What could I do? I said, "Okay, sure, fine." (oh what would YOU have done?)

so I sat in the chair next to her desk, and she swung her legs up on my knee. BUt we could both see that wasn't going to work terribly well, as I had a high knee, and she had short legs. So she said, "Hold on, I got it." and climbed up on her desk, sitting there, with her foot on my knee. I opened the polish bottle, and prayed no one would see who shouldn't see this.

As I painted her big toe (and I mean the TOE, not just the toenail, because I had no idea how to do this, I kinda slopped it all around) she started giggling and then laughing. I stopped and asked if it tickled and she says, "No, it's just funny to see you doing it. Keep going!" So I did. And i kinda screwed up every toe that same way, especially the little toes, which didn't have much of a nail on them at all. And she was crying her way through this, but this time from laughter, not from sadness. And I saw nothing funny about it, really, but i wasn't gonna say anything to her like that, cause laughter tears are much better then sad tears.

Thank God I won't see her again until Tuesday....maybe it will be passed by then...
Let's see if I can get the photos of Angel uploaded now..
Okay, well here's the first one. Cutie that she is. Beneath her is "HER" pillow. It was bought by my mother to be used by everyone, but the first night it was on the couch, Angel laid on it. And from then on it's been "HERS". No matter where the pillow is, she's laying on it. And if someone else takes the pillow, even to just move it, well she's up and either grabbing onto it with her mouth, or just waiting until it's set down so she can jump on it and claim it. It's the ONLY thing that she's anywhere near possessive about. mom got a red pillow as well, exactly the same, except it's not blue, and Angel has no interest in it. She's only interested in "HER" pillow.

Okay, and this is Angel again. You can see "HER" pillow that's she leaning back against. But you can also see around her neck, the rainbow color she has. My buddy Ag got that for her when she was on a cruise, in Key West. It says, "Key West Puppy" or something similar. And when Ag gave it to mom, mom was only too happen to put it on Angel. And mom loved it. Well, i mean I loved it too, but I knew what the rainbow thing meant, I doubt mom did. You just gotta love older breeders that have no clue, dontcha?


The only worse than being young and in love is...being NOT-SO-young and in love. - Scott Thompson, The Kids In The Hall

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