Monday, July 18, 2005

Everything is fair when you're living in the city...

SO, seeing as how I've recieved not one vote on any of the suggestions for the slogan, I've decided to end the voting (or non-voting, as the case may be). Polt's Palace is mine, so I outta name it's slogan. And Maury had a great idea, which I'm going to use. So the official slogan of Polt's Palace is:

Polt's Palace, Fair And Balanced

Hey, if FoxNews can say it, and not be it, then so can I. Copyright infringement be damned!
Okay, let me see if I've got this straight...Previously, Bushie says he'll fire anyone in the White House involved in the leak about Plume, the ambassador's wife being a CIA operative. Then, the Time journalist reveals that it was in fact Karl Rove who told him that she was an operative. And then the journalist got confirmation of her status from Cheney's chief of staff. And yesterday, Bushie says, he wants the investigation over as soon as possible. And if anyone's committed a crime, they'll be let go.

Changing from Firing them if they're involved to firing them if they committed a crime. Gee, that almost sounds Clintonesque. Or does that count as waffling? SO if they're involved and just didn't happen to commit a crime, well then it's okay. But there is that pesky 1982 law that states that giving out (or in some cases even HAVING) that type of information, is a federal crime.

My prediction: before the end of the week, in fact I'd say sometime Wednesday, Bushie will announce his Supreme Court appointment. What Rove, Cheney and Bushie himself all need right now is a nice big distraction. And watching the Senate tear itself apart will certainly garner more coverage than a silly old scandal. But if the appointment doesn't distract enough, then Bushie will need a bigger out Iran!
In case anyone is wondering, the scanner is still inside it's box. Pretty box that it is.
This has to be one of THE reasons the Internet was invented. If you go here, you'll fine Monty Python And The Holy Grail done with Legos! (Help, help, I'm being repressed!)


These are our boys. Our future. And, oh, they are something to behold. Bodies like smooth planes of marble. Rakish grins. Eyes that sparkle in innocence and wolfish yearning. All shoulders and firm chests and long tanned legs in half socks and dirt-work Nikes. We watch them, enthralled by the action, the testosterone quotient wafting about like perfume. - GQ Magazine, Febraury 2002

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