Monday, July 04, 2005

I'm travelin' and travelin'...

Man, what a busy day Sunday was. Normally, on Sundays I dont get my sorry butt outta bed until damn near noon, but this Sunday, I couldn't sleep in. Had to go the the poop-a-nator out to...well, poop. I got up, showered, gathered some laundry together and took it over. I let her out, and while she was walking around looking for her appropriate poop place, I noticed that she was kinda tip toeing around all, remnants of her prior visits. I realized I hadn't done any cleanup since the trash went on Wednesday, so I'd have to do something about that. SO a bit later, I went out with the scooper and a bag, and i swear to God, not all of that poop could have possibly been hers! Some other dogs must be pooping there, or the neighbors are throwing thier dog's poop over. I just refuse to believe that a small dog like that can poop that much!

So later in the day, Ag and I had several adventures. We went to the travel agency in Chambersburg, and that's the first time we were there. Right before we got there, we passed a pretty hot looking guy, in black shorts and sandals, his hair kinda disheveled and carrying a towel. Was probably swimming somewhere, but he had a chest to DIE for.

And then we went to Food Lion in Greencastle to get the stuff for the picnic we're having on the 4th. And we went through the checkout lane with this hot gun at the register: tall, earring, very muscular forearms and logn strong fingers....and he was wearing a store shirt and khakis which both fit him QUITE nicely!

Then we stopped by the Greencastle Coffee Roasters, so I coudl get some peanuts and I got some Swedish Fish too. And as we were returning to the car, a workman's truck was parking in the lot with us. And there was a guy there, blonde, in shorts and a wife beater with an awesome body, not much to look at in the face, but the!

We returned to my parents and dropped off the food (cause that's where we'll be having the picnic tomorrow). While Ag called her work, I left a message for Freddie to get when he got off work. Ag told me they had downstaffed her, so she didn't have to go to work. And since neither of us had eaten yet, she said we're going out to eat. So we went to TGIFridays. And while neither of us were impressed with out waitress (insincere friendlyness, a high pitched squeeky voice that could cut glass, hair ala Jan Brady), there were two busboys there, one who needed a shave but had a nice ass, and one who was of some mixed minority heritage and just hot as all get out!

Ag then needed to visit Office Max. And she went to the register manned by Kyle, a tall skinny guy, who looked like he was 17, but who had the deep resonant voice of bruiser of a man. And he had these little glasses..just cute as the dickens!

Then, she needed to go to Borders. And so we did, and I talked to a few of the people I used to work with, but I looked quite a bit at this cute little blonde guy working in the cafe. I didn't get his name, but I know they didn't have cute little guys like that working there when I did! And that's just not right! And then we returned home. And that was my travels...and all the memorable eye candy I saw on the trip.
Okay, got two more comments! both from Chris! Whoo-Hoo! He's now tied with Johnnie for the highest number of comments at 4 each. (Maybe if I make it a contest, i'll get more comments?)

Here's number one:
Okay, I took your personality defect test and ended up with ROBOT (85% Rational, 0% Extroverted, 14% Brutal, and 0% Arrogant).

Heheeheh, well that sounds like you...I'll have to read the whole description and see what it means.

Listed below is a link to another test for ya. I'm surprised you didn't find this one sooner. This one is "The Which X-Man Are You Test".

Oh i did find it, and took it and ended up being Nightcrawler. Wasn't totally happy with it, but not really dissatified either. I mean I like Kurt, he's cool and all, but he's not my favorite or anything. But you never mentioned which one you turned out be.

And his second comment:
Yep, your color quiz was pretty accurate. I came up with STEELBLUE, which is not the exactly my favorite shade of blue, but it was still close.

So was it close to your favorite color, or was the description close? Maury took it, and he got seagreen, even though he said his favorite color was black. I dont recall what seagreen described, but he said it seemed pretty close. SO he's the first I've seen that the description doesn't match thier favorite color. but then Maury is a freak, so what can I say? A freak who assaults his sister..... (hehehehehehe..this outta get him to comment...)


There are only two emotions on a plane: boredom and terror. - Orson Welles

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In answer to your question, the color quiz result of STEELBLUE was fairly accurate in both the personality description and also that the color BLUE is one of my favorites.

Okay, I convinced the WARDEN to take some of the quizzes you posted. She rates as GOOD on your Evil test. However, her personality defect is that she is a BRUTE, and she is also going to the 5th Layer of Hell.

I'm begining to think that the Evil test is somewhat inaccurate. No way should both you and the WARDEN escape without being evil. Just look at her previous results. Anyway, it's something to ponder...