Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Magnolia, now I see...

This evening, from 830 until like 920 or so, I took a walk. I decided the sun was going down, and it wasn't as warm outside (the thermometer read only 78) so I figured the exercise would do me good. God, what the HELL was I thinking??? The temp might have been lower, but it was still humid as before. Like a sauna out there. The humidity was nearly dripping right off the leaves of the trees. It was crazy humid. But of course, stupid me, I kept walking. And did so for, what, 50 minutes? Man, my head was so sweaty, it was running down the back of my head and dripping off the hair like I had just gotten out of the shower. I had my iPod with me, so I tried to concentrate on the music, and that kept me walking a brisk pace. I walked down Main street, and the only good thing about this walk was there were like 4 groups of people hanging out at different places along Main street...and in each group was at least one, and ususally more than one, young guy without a shirt or with his shirt hanging open. And every one of them (another unusual occurance) had the type of body that deserved to be shown off like that: abs, pecs, well developed, ripped, yeah it was nice to see. Kinda tough to not walk into trees, parking meters, lampposts, other people, moving vehicles, etc though.
Also, tonight, i caught the last hour of Steel Magnolias. I saw this in the theater when it originally came out in 1989, and I've seen it probably three times since then on TV, either parts of it or all of it. And even so, when they're in the cemetary and Sally Field is having her God if I don't get all choked up and start crying. Even tonight. Even knowing what was gonna happen. And I watched it knowing I'd probably cry.

God....I am SO gay......


Make peace with dust bunnies.

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