Monday, July 18, 2005

Kiss that frog, lady kiss that frog...

Yesterday was game day at George's, and when I got home, I showered, read the papers, and the Maury got there to watch the show. So that's why I didn't post sorry. BUt at the game, the gay winged Elven swashbuckler I'm playing fell through the air, landing next to the frog creature, attacked it for two rounds, hitting for at least one critical, and dropping it. For those of you who don't play D&D, this is probably all gobbley gook, but the point is, it was cool.
Well, it seems my little tale of drunken puking has struck a cord with you readers. I've had no less that 4 replies to it so far. We've got one for Mark "The Greek", "Travel Ag", and two anonymously posted ones....although the poster isn't really fooling anyone.

I sort of got lost in the story.How did guy 1 get into his apartment since he couldn't locate his keys and his cell phone went dead? How was guy 2 able to contact guy 1 inside of his apartment since guy 1's cell phone had previously gone dead??Meanwhile, I still think that kitty puke is much much less offensive than the multiple puddles of human alcohol puke that you've so kindly referenced in your story. The cleanup of the dog and the puke would take quite some time, don't you think? You should have cleaned up the kitty puke. At least it would have only taken a single paper towel and only a few seconds. (grin)Mark

Sorry the story wasn't clear. While the friend on the phone thought something had happened to the phone, apparently, it was jsut turned off. It still worked later on. WE don't know for sure, because Guy1 doesnt really recall anything, but we assume that's what happened. And I agree one patch of kitty puke would be better than puddles of people puke...but given my druthers, i want to have NO kitty puke and have the people puke be in the toliet.

Your story is long and it rambles but I do not feel sorry for Guy 1 or Guy 2. I feel sorry for xxxxxxx the dog. OOps I guess I should say Dog. I think the "DOG" needs a new home where he would not have to worry about puddles of puke. DOG can always stay with Auntie Ag where he would always smell sweetIf this was a true story.

Sorry Ag, I had to X out the name of Dog, must keep this story anonymous. And I don't really feel sorry for them either. I've been wher Guy1 is before, but I still dont really feel sorry for him. And I know Dog would smell VERY sweet with you.....but none of this matter....if this story is just a tale....

Anonymous part 1:
i didn't find that to be a very amusing story. in fact, i found that to be a very very bad story. all i can say is that i feel bad for guy 1. the poor guy probably didn't know his friends would be so cruel as to buy him multiple shots all night to wash down the beer and wine. and i'm willing to bet guy 1 STILL hasn't gotten the puke smell out of his dog and carpet.
Anonymous part 2:
i think guy 1 takes great care of his dog. i bet guy 1 even had a friend watching his dog for him while he was out. i bet guy 1 was so considerate he even took dog outside in the morning despite an ungodly hangover. i'm sure auntie ag would take good care of dog, but i bet this theoretical guy 1 takes amazing care of dog who is probably theoretically sitting at home in the A/C right now while guy 1 sweats at work

Yes I bet Dog and carpet still carry the odors, and I'm certain that Guy1 is a good owner, despite this one incident....IF it were a true story.....


Talk to me, tell me your name. I'm just a link in your daisy chain. - Ricky Martin, She-Bangs

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