Thursday, July 28, 2005

Yo dont got no wins in mi casa...

After work today, I stopped by Food Lion and picked up stuff to make pasta. I thought since Ag was off work, I'd call her. She didn't want to do pasta at my place, but she said, "How about if I take you out to Casa Del Sol?" This is an Italian resturant in Greencastle. I had never been there. But previously a Mexican restuarant had been there and i went once with Chris. I was not impressed. I didn't think I'd be impressed again, and didn't really want to go to Greencastle, as I was tired, and I had just bought this stuff. But then I thought, oh hell, I don't really feel like cooking, and she and I haven't done anything in a while, and she IS offering to treat, so, really, who am I to turn down a free meal? Free food? Bring it on! So i said yes.

We got there, and the place was quite busy, which was a surprise to me, as the Mexican place wasn't. I ordered linguini with meatballs in a bolognese sauce. WHen they brought it my GOD it was huge! I mean, I must have had an entire field of pasta! (Pasta does grow in fields, right? Maybe I had an entire orchard of pasta? whatever) And the three meatballs were the size of cueballs! I mean, there was no WAY I was gonna eat all of that without rupturing an intestine somewhere. And that didn't include the salad and garlic bread. But guess what? I DID eat it all. All of it...linguini, meatballs, bread, pasta....even had room for two of the cheese sticks we ordered as an appetizer.

But afterwards...oh God afterwards...I was in pain. I ate so much it hurt. I HATE when that happens. Ag, on the way home, burped, which I was SO envious of! I know I would have felt better if only i could have burped. A burp them would have felt nearly orgasmic. I wanted to belch more than I wanted to orgasm, that's how bad it was! And i did so (burp that is) on the way home, and felt a bit better. And I felt better as the night went along. but MAN, i've done that before and I hate it! I feel so stupid. If i didn't eat so fast, I'd know i was full before I was full to bursting! But no, I insist on eating like a starving jackel on the Sarengeti! howl!


I once knew a guy who could tie a cherry stem into a knot with his tongue. I was afraid to let him blow me. - Emmett, Queer As Folk

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