Tuesday, July 26, 2005

As long as its box office, as long as its a hit...

So over the weekend I watched a couple movies.

Quite an eclectic group, huh? I found Team America to be one of the funniest things I had seen in some time. Yeah, the humor was juvenile, and crude and even vulgar in parts, but c'mon that's what makes South Park so funny, and these are the same guys.

The Dawn of The Dead was quite a letdown. 28 Days Later is much better. DotD was just...too....Americanized. I mean, just like in every American 'action' flick there has to be mountains and mountains of bullets shot, and there has to be car chases, and gratuitous violence and gore. yeah, yeah, I know it IS a zombie movie, of COURSE there's gonna be gore...but a lot of it in this movie was just there for the sake of having it there. in 28 Days Later, we had character development and we could empathise with the survivors. In DofD, they introduce a bunch of charaters, gave them one personality and then killed them. Hell I don't even know some of their names. And i really didn't care about any of them (except the cute rookie security guard). I really reminded of me of the Posideon Adventure where we have a group of survivors get picked off one by one... all the way down to the male lead dying right before they all got away.

Kinsey, I'm not sure what to make of it. Not a bad biopic, I suppose, but it did drag in parts. I thought it best when it pointed out that the puritanical and repressive ways of the 30's, 40's and 50's weren't all the much removed from what's going on in AMerica today.

Constantine...looked real good. The storyline, okay, I think I understand it...but the look of the thing..from his apartment, to Gabriel and his wings, to the portrayal of Lucifer all looked very stylish and kept my interest. Constantine himself, and the plot itself, didn't really. Oh well, can't have it all.


His physical beauty was a weapon capable of spurring admirers into lapses of decorum. - Christopher Rice

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