Tuesday, July 05, 2005

One two one two this is just a test...

Had too much free time at work today (well that's not really true. I was busy until like 2:30. ) I got online and took a number of tests. yeah, that's the way I sometimes spend my days. SO this is what I discovered:

By going here, I discovered that my DC Hero was the Flash.

Here, I discovered that my "Finding Nemo" character was Marlin: a caring and determined father.

Here, I discovered that my Garfield the Cat character is Garfield himself, which was kind of disappointing. I had hoped to be...oh whatever the kitten's name is, cause he's really cute. Or Odie, even, cause he's cute in a stupid, oblivious kind of way. But then I realized, Garfield probably is the best match: He's lazy, eats too much, loves lasgana, rags on those around him all time, and is pretty self centered. Now if you look Polt up in the dictionary, I believe that's the definition you'd find.

Here I discovered that the philsopher I am most like is Jean-Paul Sartre...which means absolutely nothing to me, since I know nothing about and care even less for philosophy in general, not mention whoever this joker Sartre is. This could be of interest to the more deep thinkers who read this (ie Johnnie) although I'm not at all sure anyone else who reads this would even be a deep thinking. hell, i'd be willing to bet some of the people who read this can't even spell philosophy!

Here, I discovered that my Looney Toons charactere is Foghorn Leghorn. I was actually hoping for Bugs himself...but upon reflection, Foghorn probably IS the better fit.

Here, I discovered that my Marvel superhero is Professor X, which was quite alright with me. I've always liked the prof, and can you IMAGINE what I'd do with his mental powers.....

This one frankly meant nothing to me, but I know several of the people who read this would be interested, so, this is how similar I am to various Masters Of The Universe characters:

1: Prince Adam (100%)2: Orko (86%)3: The Sorceress (86%)4: He-Man (85%)5: Skeletor (80%)6: Cringer (73%)7: Man-At-Arms (73%)8: She-Ra/Adora (73%)9: Mekanek (71%)10: Evil Lyn (68%)11: Teela (68%)12: Fisto (66%)13: Ram Man (66%)14: Bow (65%)15: Hordak (65%)16: Battle Cat (63%)17: Shadow Weaver (61%)18: Kowl (53%)19: King Hiss (51%)20: Tri-Klops (50%)21: Beast Man (40%)22: Mantenna (40%)23: Two-Bad (40%)24: Trap Jaw (38%)25: Catra (35%)

I don't even know who most of those people are. Perhaps some geek- , er, um, I mean fan of it can tell me. Prince Adam, he's pretty blah, right? Dont think I much like being 100% with him. Orko is irritating, and SOrceress...geez, good to know they spend a lot of time thinking of superhero names! At least I rated higher to He-Man than to Skeletor...that's a good thing, right?

This showed that, much to my disbelief, the Spider-Man character that I am most like is Frank Castle, the Punisher. That alone proves, I think, the inaccuracy of the quiz itself. (and NO, Maury, this will NOT make me like the movie!!!!)

This one revealed that the New Mutants character I most closely resemble is Magik. Not the best, but I can deal with it. And that was followed by Mirage and Cannonball. Quite the team I'd make, eh?

I took another X-men test..but didn't record the website, so i cant' send you guys there. But this is the list on how i rated with each:
Professor X
Jean Grey

Morph???? um, okay, silly sense of humor, whatever. Beast...um, super intelligent, okay, i can see that. Iceman...oh, Shawn Ashmore the cutie that played him in the movie, really quite a hottie..so yeah, i see that, being as I'm a hottie too....

whatever the top of my list was, I was VERY pleased at the bottom of it: I am NOT a fan of everyone from Apocalypse on down. Was very happy with that!

And finally, I took the Ultimate South Park Character Quiz . Turns out that I'm Mr. Garrison, which is kinda what I figured all along. But then I noticed that I next closely matched Mr. Slave (somewhat distrubing) and then Big Gay Al! No, no...once I knew Big Gay Al was a possiblity,well THAT'S who I wanted to be! I mean, after all, I AM Super, thanks for asking! So, being upset and on the verge of a full out flaming drama queen episode (the only thing that saved me was that I was at work), I found another South Park test Here, that showed that I mostly closely matched Big Gay Al! Of course the next two closest were Chef and Jimmy, and not being black or crippled, I think that calls that quiz's accuracies into question as well. But I'm choosing to ignore my last statement and just be happy with the Big Gay Al assessment.


Why are nudists never the people that you actually would enjoy seeing nude? - Nilou Panahour

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