Friday, July 29, 2005

I wish I didn't have a roving eye...

In case anyone has been watching too much infotainment and not real news, here is a nicely written summary. I dont recall who's blog I got this from, but the credit all belongs to them.

Hopefully most of you have been paying attention to the downfall of Bush's brain, Karl Rove. This human shell of pure evil has spear-headed the Bush campaigns and carefully crafted his political agenda. Apparently Rove was recognized by the G.O.P. at an early age for his thirst for power, lack of ethics, and his unparalleled ability to launch smear campaigns. This time instead of being behind the scenes, Rove is in the middle of what can only be described as a shit storm in the White House. In his attempt to seek retribution against Joseph Wilson for writing in the New York Times that Niger was not selling yellow cake uranium to Iraq (an example given by Bush in his State of the Union that Iraq was seeking WMD), he leaked that Wilson's wife was a C.I.A. officer. This type of act, to leak the name of a C.I.A. officer, has been described by George H.W. Bush as treasonous. The right wing spin machine is in full affect right now. They are trying to question Joseph Wilson's credibility, they are claiming that democrats are politicizing what is an ongoing investigation, and they are saying that Rove never mentioned her by name, but only as Joseph Wilson's wife. Then there is the whole issue of whether what he did was a crime because it is being debated whether or not she was truly undercover. This is so typical of the right wing, as the facts stack up they deny it even more and employ their smear and fear tactics. This is not just about Karl Rove, this is about lying us into an illegal war in Iraq and trying to cover it up.

The facts are clear:
1) Iraq had NO Weapons of Mass Destruction.
2) Joseph Wilson visited Niger and concluded that they were not selling Iraq yellow cake uranium.
3) Karl Rove was Matthew Cooper's source for the Times article he wrote.
4) Karl Rove has testified in front of the grand jury investigating this matter THREE times.
5) Scott McClellan in the past, speaking on behalf of the White House, said that Karl Rove was NOT involved in the leak. A BLATANT LIE.
6) President Bush said he would fire the person or persons responsible for the leak. Now he has back peddled and said he would only fire those who performed illegal acts.

It is truly obvious now that the White House has a serious credibility problem and that Mr. Rove is no longer bullet proof. Even if Valerie Wilson a.k.a. Valeria Plame did not fit the legal definition of undercover, this type of information should not be leaked by the highest office of the land to the press in order to commit character assasination like Mr. Rove tried to do. There is also the possibility that Mr. Rove committed perjury before the grand jury and if that's the case, I'm sure the G.O.P. will be saying that's not a big deal. Of course it was when you were accusing Clinton of it.

Couldnt have said it better myself.


In the video game of life, this is a whole new LEVEL of bad! - Jimmy Olsen, Harley Quinn # 18

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