Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ghost town, used to be my city...

Hey kids, I found this website called myminicity, or some such junk. Apprantly, every time, once a day, that someone visits MY city, it gains a new resident, and the population increases, and buildings increase and roads grows, and businesses pop up, and before you know it you've got a large city, with hopefully a vibrant gay ghetto.

Or something like that, I'm not sure I totally understand it all myself. The revenues are all in Euros, and I think it's originally a French thing, so that might explaing the confusing nature of it all.

Nonetheless, if you guys could just take a second out of your days, for the next few days, and stop by Poltsylvania, just for a visit, and we'll see how much it increases and changes and stuff.

Yeah, I know, the excitement I offer you guys is nearly mind-blowing, but play along with me for a few days, wouldja? Just so i can see what, if anything, develops. Thanks!

POLT Listening to the "Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash

Does that actually work on college girls? Because for me, bad frat boy pick-up lines just make me think you're a pussy. - Vixen, JLA #7


tornwordo said...

I went. Do I have to do anything else. Your city is pretty dinky, lol.

Polt said...

Heheh, it IS pretty dinky. NOW! but eachtime someone visits, it's gets another inhabitant, and it grows.

No, you don't have to do anything other than visit once a day, and see how it's growing.

Kinda like watching grass grow, eh? Oooooh, the excitement.

But thanks for visiting anyway! :)