Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Here's to the heroes, those few who dare...

'Heroes' Hayden and Milo Are a Couple

(Jan. 1) - An office romance has sparked for 'Heroes' stars Milo Ventimiglia and Hayden Panettiere.A friend of the Panettiere family tells PEOPLE that "Hayden's mom adores Milo. She thinks he's so cute. She tells her friends that he's (Hayden's) boyfriend. She's very proud."

Well, DUH! Of COURSE they're a couple. how could anyone work with Milo and NOT become attrached to him????? Oh, and yeah, i guess she's cute too.

I guess my hope for a Peter/Syler relationship, Romeo and Juliet style, ya know, from different worlds, enemies and such, coming together (no pun intended) despite what thier families and friends think...I suppose that's all over now, eh?

POLT Listening to "Move Your Feet" by Junior Senior

I'm not going to say it to his face. I was raised right. I only talk about people behind thier backs. - Kathy Griffin

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