Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The cannon sounds, a new year begins, fear nothing...

Well, everyone, welcome to 2008. I hope we all made it here safely, and relatively hang-over free (or at least with a managle hang-over). At any rate, there's some business I need to clean up from last year yet.

Comments: I had a total of 2179 comments last year (yes, it IS rather amazing that a guy who can't even pick his dirty socks up off the floor can keep such precise statistics about comments on his blog, but then I AM a startling misture of polar opposites). And I want to thank each and every one of you that commented. I'd thank all of you that visited as well, but I have no easy record of who you all were tha visited.

Below is my rather anal-retentively completed list of commenters and the number of comments they left. If you find your name on there, congrats! If you're surprised at how low your number is, comment more this year! If you're surprised at how high your number is, well, I probably was surprised as well, so we're even.

Number of comments: commenter

  • 273: Ed
  • 215: Onanite
  • 123: Truthspew
  • 119: Bunny
  • 70: Valyna
  • 69: Sexy Duet
  • 63: Susie the Boss
  • 61: Doug
  • 50: Mark (My Fairy Godfather)
  • 49: Exile
  • 43: Lady Xandria
  • 41: Ag
  • 40: TKKerouac
  • 37: Chelle
  • 34: Tacky Underwear Guy
  • 28: Moonspells
  • 27: Ryan (of Ryan & Mikey fame)
  • 26: Lime
  • 24: Freddie
    Tornwordo (From Sticky Crows)
  • 23: A Bronx Tale
    Simply Me
  • 22: Blissfully Wed
  • 19: Lapis Ruber
  • 18: Stephan Rader
  • 17: Jade
  • 16: Becca
    Snow White
  • 15: Jeanniegirl
    Jon Galt
  • 14: Coisma
  • 13: Craig (from Puntabulous)
  • 12: Amie
  • 11: Amorous Rocker
  • 10: Artful Sub
    Parispeking, David
    The Persian
  • 9: ~d, M-Filer, Regal, Stealth
  • 8: Enyo, Keda, Professor Fate, SignGurl
  • 7: MsBHaven, Semi-Celibate Man, ZigZagMan
  • 6: Anonymous, Bsoholic, Charlie, Hella, Lushly Me, Tom's Cock Whore
  • 5: Blue, Jacky, JP, Sassy One, Smarmoofus, TechyMike, Uncle Gerry
  • 4: 24 Crayons, Devilbluedress, Faggot, Felix & Melissa, Jimm, Joana, Moosekahl, NY Diva, One Guy, Sinclair
  • 3: BadBadGurl, Barefoot Mistress, BTExpress, Cooper, Cyber Warlock, Isitmike, Jinsane, Libocrat, Lone Primate, Mrs. ZigZagMan, OldfashionMama, Phoenix, Sam
  • 2: Bekah, Bittersweet Me, Broken Blogger, Buff, BX, Dan Vera, Danny, Donnie V2.0, Eric, Fermus, Hollz, Jericho, Just Me, Lecram, Lil Bit, Mad Lizard, Mariposa, MSTPBound, Oh.My.Livia., Osbasso, Palm Springs Savant, Sexy Butterfly, Sheen V, Sophia, Toadee, Tricia
  • 1: ~Tim, 3:14, Ameritis, Angel City's Devil, Angeleque, Angeline, Bisquist, Bosteen, Brad, Breechi, Burt, ChickeyMama, CJ, Confess, Crimson, Daniel, Desireous, Doghigh, Drew, Dugan, Dummy, Evilicious Blonde, GraalGuy, Izzy, Jaraiya, Jason, Jeff, Jen, Jessica, Jody, Jon Cox, Jules, Junderease, Katie, KD&SS, Kellie, Keyser Soze, Kiki, KithnKate, Lady Roxane, Lestat, Marcelo, Mark Leslie, Meowminx, Middle Child, Mike, Morgetron, My Girlfriend Is Hot, Nice & Naughty, Ogre, Parispeking Susan, Patti Lake, Pip, Princess Pinkday, Renee, Samantha, Sami, Scott, Semiresponsive, Sideon, Slip Of A Girl, SlutX, SM, Sparkles, Steven Novak, Stuckingfupid, Suze, T.Cole, Thru My Eyes, Tickled Pink Toes, Vanessa, VeganMan, Vexxxy, WhoAmI 929, Wil, Zolamide

Also, a New Year's Day tradition for me is something I saw on someone else's blog a few years ago: you take the first sentence from the first post of each month and list them. It's supposed to give you an idea of what you're year was like.

January 1, 2007, Monday:
Well, happy new years everyone, I hope we're not all too hung over.

February 1, 2007, Thursday (HNT post):
I'm a big Dallas Cowboys fan, and Freddie knows it, so for Christmas, he tried to find me a Dallas Cowboys Santa-type hatd to wear.

March 1, 2007, Thursday (another HNT post):
At some point in the past, during one of Freddie's visits, we were cuddling (probably post-coitally), and had a camera nearby and I took a few photos of us.

April 1, 2007, Sunday:
Freddie was down this weekend (yay! ) (Hence why I didn't post much this weekend) and he showed me this commerical that he's seen a lot.

May 1, 2007, Tuesday:
I feel like crap.

June 1, 2007, Friday:
Don't forget, if you haven't already, see if you can figure out when I'm lying and when I'm not.

July 1, 2007, Sunday:
"You could be standing neck deep in a shit filled sewer, covered with syphilis sores and shoving a crucifix up your ass, and you'd still have the moral high ground over Ann Coulter."

August 1, 2007, Wednesday (a Wife-Beater Wednesday Post):
For those of you who may occasionally enjoy a more mature wife-beater specimen than what is usually presented here at the Palace.

September 1, 2007, Sunday:
Let me give you the rundown on my friend AJ.

October 1, 2007, Monday:
This week, five photos of some guy named Kevin G.

November 1, 2007, Thursday (yet another HNT post):
I know that we had a theme this week: something to do with what we did for Halloween.

December 1, 2007, Saturday:
So yeah, migraines...they suck don't they?
And there's a final tradition I do each year: I show the past year's calendars and then i show this year's calendars. And without further ado:

Also, since it's now the first, I'm going to start including quotes with my posts again. I don't know how long I'll be able to do this, cause I imagine I'll have more posts than i do quotes from last year, but I'll do my best.

POLT Oil: 96.52 (+.42); Gas: 3.06 (-) Listening to "Walk The Line" by Johnny Cash

"And you crucified a guy! Don't forget that!" "Yes, well, i was feeling hormonal." - Monet, X-Factor #18


Anonymous said...

Egads! I'm #3 in that list. And here I go, commenting again.

I don't get a lot of comments on my blog because I think some of the things I babble on about fly right over peoples heads. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Oh I forgot to mention, I'm truly digging that I can now login with my Wordpress ID.

Anonymous said...

Yea! I'm number one two years running. I'm so glad you suffer fools graciously. I hope this year will be all you hope, Polt. The only thing we can truly count on to stay the same is change. Ed

Anonymous said...

I don't try to comment the most, really. I was wondering if my being forced to comment anonymously will have any affect on the counting. Ed

Anonymous said...

Hey, not bad. Especially considering I only started my blog in April and have pretty much disappeared sinced Turkey Day. I still read your blog though...obviously ;)

Sexy Duet said...

69: Sexy Duet

I like that number! ;)


Michelle said...

37 ain't too shabby considering I suck at commenting! hehe

Happy New Year, Polt!!! All the best in '08!!

PS: Love the calendars...hehe

exile said...

49! i rock!

(would this make 50?)