Tuesday, January 15, 2008

An utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 78)...

TMI Tuesdays

1. If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be? Brian's Loft from Queer As Folk! Gorgeous. Also, very near the FABulous gay village.

2. If you had a clone, what would you make it do so you could have free time? Go to work! That one's a no-brainer.
3. Who was your best friend when you were 8? When you were 13? Trudy Black in both cases. She was three years older than me, and obviously a girl, but she and I were best friends up until I was in high school.
4. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be & why? Toronto, because I feel totally at home there and love it. I'd like to see Berlin also.
5. Would you hate loosing your sight or hearing most? My sight. I am a very visual person. I love reading, and looking at porn and watching movies. Without hearing, i can still do all those things and still probably enjoy them all almost the same amount. But with only hearing and no sight, well all three things become an entirely different experience. And one I don't think I'd want to experience.
Bonus (as in optional): Nature or nurture? I think a little bit of both. I think that nature gives you all the cards you're ever gonna have to play,but nuture tells you, instructs you, on how to play those cards.

POLT Listening to "Shadow Of The Day" by Linkin Park Oil: 91.91 (-1.40); Gas: 3.12 (-)

You're just a pussycat...I said pussy! - Kyan, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy


Bunny said...

Love, love, LOVE your explanation on the bonus!!

Happy TMI!

Bella Dreamer said...

I loved your bonus answer. That was one of the best I have read thus far. Good stuff! Have a good one. :)

Sexy Duet said...

Great choice of tv home, that was a nice apartment, even better if Brian comes with it ;)


Anonymous said...

Too damn funny.

Great answers buddy.