Thursday, January 03, 2008

Some walk out winners of those who've lost...

So, apparantly, Huckabee won Iowa. Well, mainstream, non-wingnut Republicans are probably pretty worried now. I suppose if you live by the evangelical, you'll die by the evangelical. Reagan, and to a greater extent, Bushie, or I should say, Karl Rove, transformed the Republican party into the religious fanatical party, are to blame for all this. Hitching your wagon to a group of far Right Christian conservative religious fanatics may allow you to take them for granted for sevearl elections and take thier votes for granted. But by doing so, you shouldn't be surprised if one of them, a former Baptist preacher no less, ends up being your nominee for president.

All I can say is, GO HUCKABEE! If he's the nominee, his far Right conservative views are going to turn independents and moderate Republicans away from him in DROVES. A Huckabee candidacy only helps whoever the Democrats put up.

And just now, Obama is picked for the Democratic nominee. Edwards is my choice, but I tell you, quite honestly, I could happily support Edwards, Clinton OR Obama. I just wonder, can supporters of McCain, or Guiliani, or Paul, say they'd happily support Huckabee? i don't think so.

Well, at least, after probably two and a half years of campaigning, we've FINALLY had votes cast.

POLT Listening to news coverage of the Iowa caucuses

Your rhymes are truly insipid. - Etrigan, Shadowpact #11


Jason said...

as a canadian this is getting hard to follow. i'm trying though.

Anonymous said...

Huckabee, as close to a neo-Nazi as you get in the electoral process. I have to agree with you Polt, he is the best way for the republicans to loose in 08.

Michelle said...

As a resident alien I have no voting privileges in this country. Which isn't bad cause i don't follow half of this shit However....I should probably follow it a little closer (Even though I have no say in anything) cause this happens to be the country I live in. But I only have one word for politics......boring! hehe

jimm said...

Reagan, Bush the 1st, and Wee-willie Clinton all lost in iowa. Mainstream america, as they claim? Not!