Friday, October 28, 2005

Can you hear them, they talk about us...

Okay, kids, I've gotten several comments recently, and have kinda been pushing them off to the side, doing other things instead. but now, well, it's time to take care of them.

Firstly, we have Lone Primate (good to see you're back at the Palace) who, in response to the magnets I posted writes:

Shouldn't it be "blue states, keep LEFT", and vice versa? :)

Ya know, Primate, I only noticed that after I bought it. It would have been funnnier that way. Oh well, probably made in China with slave labor, by a business who shipped the American job making magnets overseas. And what does a Chinese slave laborers know about American politics anyways?

Primate also writes, in regards to my Madonna list of songs:

Oh, man... what about Live to Tell? :)

Aw, everybody's a critic. Ya know, I gotta say, I'm just not a ballad kinda guy. I like songs that rock, or make me tap my foot or dance, not a slow song. So that's why it didn't make the list.
My Fairy Godfather, Mark, commented, on my post about Rosa Park's death and her contribution to all the rights movements in our country:

YES! Without any movements the country would be terribly terribly constipated.

Oh, always the comedian. Your razor sharp wit hasn't been dulled a bit by your move westward. Seriously, had we not had all those movements, the country would be in even worse shape, even more fulla shit than it is now, so yes, in a way, we WOULD be terribly constipated. Thanks for pointing that out. :)
Next we have a post from anonymous, who truly is anonymous, cause they didn't sign the comment and I have no idea who may have sent it (but mystery IS the spice of life...right?)

Check out the glbt channel, the Q Television Network ( Reichen Lehmkuhl and Sandra Bernhard just joined the channel! YEAH!

I would love to watch the Q network also, but considering where I live, I'm frankly overjoyed to just have Logo! Oh, an welcome to the Palace, anonymous. there's no reason to be shy, we're all friends here. Sign your post next time.
And Johnnie commented on the post about Madonna's new song and video and movie:

all this is well and good, but how about an opinion on harriett miers pulling out her nomination? i wanted to see her and bushy dragged through the coals thomas style, personally. Now I'm afraid bush will appoint a hardline conservative to appease his base. thoughts?

Frankly, my first thought is you need to not be so dimissive of Mrs. Ritchie. She was making music before you were born, son, have some respect. I hadn't posted an opinion on that stuff cause not everyone loves the political posts I make (and yet, not everyone loves the Madonna posts as well, which, frankly, is a boggle to my mind. but I digress....)

The Miers nomination failed primarily because she wasn't as obviously hardline, far right, wing-nut conservative as the obviously hardline, far right, wing-nut conservatives wanted her to be. Bushie base is in an uproar because of it. SO he very well could appoint a hardline, far right, etc, etc, to appease them. However, that will bring up major problems in the Seante, and probably and attempt to force the "Nuclear Option" again, and if that didn't work when Bushie's ratings were much higher than they are now, why would anyone think that it would work this time around? What's the incentive for McCain and the other 6 Republicans that helped avert it last time, to sudden go back on it and allow the Republican leadership to change the rules to get their way over filibusters?

With all his problems over the last two months (and for those of you who weren't paying attention, that includes the Katrina debacle, out of control energy prices, the Miers nomination, the grand jury investigation, etc), Bushie might want jsut a quick victory to crow about, appointing a "consensus" candidate, that's conservative, but reasonably so. Someone NOT in the wingnut vein of a Scalia or Thomas, but in the vein of a Justice Kennedy or even O'Conner, who they'll be replacing. Someone like that should said through the Senate.

My guess at which way it will go? the first option. When challanged, Bushie has a habit of diggin in his heels and getting a stubborn like a Texas mule, instead of perhaps trying to work on a better altrnative. And a hard fight on a Justice, even if they are NOT approved, will fire up far right base, and get them all foaming at the mouth, and that's the jumpstart they might need to get motivated for next year's elections.

I hope I'm wrong, I seriously do. but I still see a future where Roe v Wade is gone in 5 years and gays have every right stripped from them. It's a sad and bleak future...

POLT - listening to "Road To Nowhere" by The Talking Heads

I've been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding. - Harvey Danger

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