Monday, October 17, 2005

Everybody was kung fu fighting....

I was flipping through the channels one night recently, with of course nothing on. Why is it that I now have access to like 500 channels and there's nothing but shit on each one. I mean, who else remembers when we only had three networks, and PBS, and that was it. Wasn't there always something on to watch then? But now, more choices, but hardly anything worth watching.

At any rate, I was flipping through, as I said, and I stumbled upon the Ultimate Fighting Championship, or some such named thing.

I had seen it before and thought it was another "rasslin" show, ya know, those rip-offs they call "professional wrestling" which has nothing whatsoever to do with wrestling, and everything to do with acting.

But it wasn't. It was two guys, in an octigonal cage, beating the shit out of each other until one gave up. I saw elbows to the face, open handed slaps, elbows to the chest, heels of feet onto the tops of feet, not to mention outright punches and kicks. Everything but biting of ears...oh, wait, that would be boxing. Silly me.

I am not one to espouse violence. Not even pretend violence like in rassling and most American action films (see Bruce Willis, Steven Segal, Sly Stallone, Mel Gibson, AH-Nold, etc, etc, etc). And I'm not condoning it here. But I do have three things to say about the UFC.

1) At least the fighting looks real, and not staged to promote "good guys" and make "bad guys" for the lowest common denominator of intelligence in American society to root for or hiss at; 2) man, those guys in it are freaking HOT! No kidding, man, these guys are in seriously in shape and hellishly easy on the eyes. they're not pumped up and steroided out to an inch of thier lives. They are in shape, but man what a hot, sexy shape it is! AND, 3) they are involved in some of THE most homoerotic moves and action this side of a Bel AMi video! I mean, these hot sweaty, barely clothed men are rolling around ont he floor, grabbing thier opponents and tying each other up into all sorts of man-pretzels. I saw one guy have is opponent on the mat on his back and the first guy worked his way up so that he was sitting on the guy's upper chest, his knees straddling the guy's head, with just mere inches between face and specil no-no place. Seriously, I expected cheesy 70's porno music to kick in any second. And I didn't have to pay $29.99 to get this on tape of DVD! This is a good thing, right?

So, I believe I shall be checking out UFC again...just to see if maybe someone loses their shorts in the battle!

POLT = listening to "Without You" from the Rent soundtrack

Head like a hole, black as your soul, I'd rather die, than give you control! - Nine Inch Nails

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