Friday, October 07, 2005

If I get old, remind me of this...

Got a comment from one of my Toronto (which, by the way, is properly pronounced: Tronnoh) companions, Ag, that reads as follows:

You forgot:
Captain Quackers and Corporal Bill
Hey, its a video! Who knew they still played videos on TV?
I love Canadian TV
Did you take my pillow?
You are a dancing queen

and last but not least:
I love this town!

Not real sure how I forgot those, especially the last one, cause I think I said those words over the weekend more than any other! Thanks for the reminder, Aggie.
While I was inToronto, got a comment from bufftuff, who wrote:

Thanks Polt. I appreciate the hospitality. WOOOF. Hoping you are enjoying yourself. You keep a very friendly place for this blogger to hang. Big hugs.

You are more than welcome, buff! I did enjoy myself...if only I could go into detail...but then, no, my blog would become X-Rated, and we can't have that, now can we? Hang around as much as you wants, hugs to you too, and a big ole Woof right backatcha!

POLT = listening to "Speed Of Sound" by Coldplay

I don't want to be alone tonight. But I want to be alone when I wake up, if ya know what I mean! - Cabbagehead, The Kids In The Hall

1 comment:

buff said...

Howdy Polt. Hoping all is well with you. Your blogs put a smile on my face. Big hairy muscle hugs.