Saturday, October 08, 2005

I saw the sign, and it opened up my mind...

I was on my way home from work this afternoon, and I passed a church that had one of those billboards thingees up in front of it. It read: Resurrection is like a smile, it gets us to rise up again and again and again.

My first thought was, "Huh? What the hell does that mean? How does a smile get up to rise up?"

My second thought was, "Hey, pornography gets me to rise up again and again and again! It'd be funny if someone put that up there. But I can't get the word porn out of resurrection. Course, I could try to get letter like they have an put them there. But what would I do with the letters I took down? I don't want to steal anything. Maybe I could just make a sign that covered up resurrection and read pornography. I could tape it overtop. but then I might be seen, so I'd have to make sure no one recognized me. I could park a few streets over, and wear like jeans, cause everybody has those, and wear a hoddie, so they couldn't see my head. But I'd have to have an accomplice to be like a lookout. Oh, and they could take a picture of the change! That'd be cool. But what if I did get caught? Would I get into trouble? I mean, I didn't destroy any property, nor steal anything. maybe vandalism? Nah, better off to just forget it."

And my third thought was, "Dear God, what a waste of 5 minutes THAT was!"

I dont know why my mind works that way, but, well...welcome to Uncle Polt's mind!
The sign thing reminded me of something else. I worked at a drug store about 15 years ago, and I'd walk to work. On the way, I passed an interior design shop, which had a sign out front that read:

We specialize in

And I saw that sign so many times, the one time I thought, "ya know, if I changed one letter, if I moved the D down two lines it would read, "Rapes & Drugs"! Man, that'd be hilarious." (Mind you I was in my early 20's then, so my sense of humor was even worse than it is today) And seriously, I planned everytime I walked by how I could do that. I'd have to ge a ladder, cause the sign was elevated, and I'd have to have gloves to not leave fingerprints, and I'd want to make sure it wasn't raining, cuase I could leave footprints. I mean, I never seriously planned it, but I thought about it alot. until one day, I went by and the sign was changed. I have no idea what it said, but it wasn't that anymore.

Aren't you glad you're just a visitor to my mind, and not an occupant?

POLT = listening to "A Message" by Coldplay

I love my gay male friends, but when I was a little girl I always wished that I would be constantly surrounded by gorgeous guys, and now I am, and I should have been more specific. - Margaret Cho

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