Monday, October 24, 2005

Come together, put some love back in, network, we network...

Sunday night, I'm flipping through the channels, checking out what's on, which naturally, is really nothing. And get into some of the upper channels I rarely visit, and see, by the digital cable bar at the bottom, that the movie that just went off this one channel was Latter Days.

Now, Latter Days is a nice little gay love story, a sweet little movie, but very much a gay movie. And so I think, "Latter Days? Who would be showing that?" And I look for the channel insignia and I find it and my thought process goes like this:

Logo. - Oh, it's Logo.

Logo?- Whoa, that's the gay channel, can that be right?

Logo! - It IS the gay channel! I can get LOGO!

Man, I woulda whooped and hollared, if I could have! I was hoping against hope that we'd get it. I was prepared to pay special for it, like HBO and Showtime, if I had to, even though I didn't really have the free cash to do so. But here is was, free! well, not free, but I don't have to pay anymore for it! WHoo-Hooo.

Who'd have thought a gay network would be showing on the cable system in lil old, very red, extremely conservative, terminally Republican Waynesboro PA? Not me! Guess this is why capitalism works, cause if there's a profit to be made, it will be. Apparently, money trumps politics, and "morals" and the prudish attitudes of the area in which I live. Gotta love it. And gotta love Comcast for doing it.

POLT = listening to "Comfortably Numb" by The Scissors Sisters

Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out the glbt channel, the Q Television Network ( Reichen Lehmkuhl and Sandra Bernhard just joined the channel! YEAH!