Friday, October 14, 2005

Would I lie to you, oh honey, would I lie...

From the Randi Rhodes newsletter, as posted on The Inside Dope:

The question has been out there for five years...What will in take for the Republicans to stop goose-stepping in perfect unison?

With all the lies, bloodshed, thievery, incompetence, corruption and flat-out treason, you would think that someone's conscience would get the best of them. But it hasn't happened. Why? Because PARTY LOYALTY trumps all, no matter how many suffer or die because of it. Until now!

The GOP is in chaos! But not because of all the damage done to our soldiers, or the neglect of thousands of families who survived a massive hurricane only to die waiting to be rescued or worse, seperated from their children! And not because of the wholesale slaughter of innocent Iraqis, or because those who lived through thousands of tons of bombing never saw the security, water and electricity we swore we'd bring. Not even because of the corruption and indictments of their own leaders. Nope, they stayed firmly behind this President even when it became clear that a criminal investigation into an act of TREASON was underway because someone in the White House wanted to exact revenge on an Ambassador who did his duty to this country.

The GOP is in chaos because the Rapture Right is learning a bitter lesson:George W Bush doesn't have religion. Unless worshipping power, money and crony capitalism counts as religion. I'll leave that up to you.

But the charismatic fundamentalist, "love the fetus-hate the child" crowd that helped elect this maniac finally feels like the rest of us do...cheated, lied to and disoriented.

All of the bloodshed and death both here and abroad, all of the stealing, all of the ineptitude in the aftermath of Katrina, the proof that this country can not respond to emergencies in a POST 9/11 world, all of THIS death didn't move opinion quite like the REVELATION that George W. and the NeoCons care NOTHING about overturning Roe v. Wade.

Bush has no respect for life, unborn, born or born-again.

Oddly, it took a pathetic, fawning, corporate groupie to be nominated to the Supreme Court for the so called "Christian" Conservatives to FINALLY realize that what makes a liar a liar is nothing more than the willingness to lie.

POLT = listening to "Amazing" by Madonna

'To continue, press any key.' Where's the any key? - Homer, The Simpsons

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