Wednesday, October 12, 2005

When I sit in that old blue chair...

On the way to and from work, I pass this house. Out in front, in thier yard, next to thier garbage cans, they put a chair. It's a rolling, swivel chair, probably similar to what a lot of you are sitting on now. It's got the rollers, and the one central support the seat rests on. The chair still has it's right arm, but the left arm is missing, hence, probably, why it's been put out with the garbage.

But that was likw 3 weeks ago. And the garbage men never took it. And it's still sitting there. Oh, it's been moved. One day it was on it's side. Maybe the wind blew it over. Maybe someone walked by or some kid on a bike went by, and knocked it over. And then a few days later, it was upright again, but sitting further back in the yard. I presume the garbage men have gone by, probably at least twice, but have left it there each time.

And then, today, when we drove by, it was wrapped in black garbage bags. They were wrapped around it and appeared to be securely tightened. Almost as if it were a dead body, and someone had wrapped it in a body bag to take it to the morgue.

And as I thought these things, I started chuckling to myself. It reminded me of that IKEA commercial froma few years ago when the lady throws out the old desk lamp for a new one. And it rains on the desklamp, and we can see behind him through the window, the lady and the new lamp. And the desklamp looks all sad, cause it's been dumped on the curb in the rain. And then some Asian guy rides up on a bike and says to the camera, "What's wrong with you? it's just a lamp. It has no feeeeeeelings!"

hehehe, loved that commercial.

POLT = listening to "Burning Down The House" by the Talking Heads

Regarded purely as pieces of sexual machinery, young men were marvels, like new cars, everything solid and tight and functional, eager to perform, with a bewitching smell. - Paul Reidinger, The City Kid

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