Saturday, March 25, 2006

Can we make this kinda quick, you see...

This is just a quick post to let anyone stopping by know that today I have to work (which is where I'm posting from. Shhh, if you won't tell, i won't tell), and soon after that I have to go to that wedding, which starts at 600 pm. I have no idea when it will be over and when I will get home. Nor, actually what condition I'll be in when I do get home (there be alcohol ahead in Uncle Polt's future, methinks!).

So in case there's no other posting for Saturday, now you know why.

POLT = listening to the crappy work sounds at work

You're jerking my ambulatory extremity, buddy! - Metamorpho, Justice League Europe


Anonymous said...

I guess I may not be seeing Polt on Sunday if he is going to have another hangover...

Polt said...

Stone cold sober all night, awoke with nary a hangover in sight.

Oh ye of little faith.

I'm not a total lush....just a partial one, apparently.

verification word:tttxw