Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The former owner always keeps the keys...

I was reading through some stuff online and something occured to me. Republicans are all about private ownership of things. They don't want the government owning anything, everything is better when owned by the private sector. If I'm wrong, then someone please correct me.

Assuming the to be true, why is it okay for the Government of Dubai to be running those six ports, and not private American companies? I mean, frankly, I'd rather have the US government running security for our ports, but if that's not gonna be, then I'd certain rather have AMerican companies doing it rather than foreign.

But my point here is that why is okay, in the eyes of the Administration, for a foreign government to be running something, but not the American government? Is not only "Socialism" when its the Federal government running something, but it's not when a foreign government does so?

POLT = listening to "Lemon" by U2

He doesn't want an ass in good taste, he wants an ass that tastes good! - Brian, Queer As Folk


Anonymous said...

Ummmmm......yeah.....OK......what he said......

Fairy Godfather.

Anonymous said...

so let me get this straight, the one time W sides with Clinton and Carter you attack him for it? I Democrats have disgusted me on this issue. They reduced themselves to racism in order to gain public support. Most of our ports are run by companies based out of foreign nations, this one is no different. I've often said the Dems will come back into power when they embraced the spin machine.

Polt said...

Um, Johnnie, I think you misunderstood my point (which could be because the post was rambling like a drunk on New Years).

My point was to show the hypocracy of the Republicans, and Bushites in particular, of them being all against government ownership of things, but it being okay with them if a government (just not the American government) is running these ports.

Frankly, I WANT the US govt running them and maintaining them, for security reasons. I don't like any foreign govt, not the Middle Eastern ones, not the British than ran them before, not the Nigerians, Bolivians, Icelanic, Australian, Japanese, or even Canadian govt's running these ports. For our own security, I want it to be Americans, we ourselves, doing it.

I don't believe there was any racism involved.

But I do love how the Bushites are imploding and the Republicans are deserting them liek rats on a sinking ship (very apt descriptions, may I add)

Verification Word: aebqts

Anonymous said...

i think you misunderstand who exactly was going to be running the ports. it's a private company based out of Dubai, one of the many arab emerites. it's not like the UAE had a say in the matter.