Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I'm coming out...

Spent the evening hanging out with my freinds whom I'll call G & T. They're a really cute and sweet gay couple: 25 & 18 yrs old. They wanted to hang out more with thier "good" gay friends, and apparently I'm one of them. Who knew? Who woulda thought Uncle Polt would be the "good" gay friend! Doesn't say much about thier other gay friends, now, does it?

Anyhow, during the eveing, T got a call from his mother. And during the course of the conversation, he told her everything. They had already had talks about him being gay, but this was all about his relationship with G and everything! And while she didn't scream and yell (at least I don't think she did), she did tell him when he moved in with G, he would NOT be returning home. She told him that "that" lifestyle was unacceptable and wrong and she'd have some boxes ready for him to move his stuff out. T seemed to be taking it well, and he had a good time while we watched a movie and all, but he did look a bit shaken when he told us about it, and rightly so. I'm worried about the kid. This has GOT to be a hard thing to handle and deal with. And he's not even actually spoken to his mom in person yet, or his dad at all, who is apparently even less accepting.

I didn't think I had the best "coming out" episode with my mom. It involved a lot of tears and an offer from her to pay for "any help" I might want to get. But in the end, she told me I was her son, she didn't approve, but she loved me and she'd be there for me no matter what. And she does and has. And upon hearing T's situation, I realized just how good I had it. There was no yelling, no threats, no outward disapproval or dis-owning of me. No throwing me out of the house. And plus I was 21, and almost finished with college. T is only 18, and just out of high school.

Poor kid. I wish there was more i could do for him. I told him he call me ANYTIME to talk or if he needed anything, even if it was 300am. But I wish I could more for him.

What I think i will do, though, is tonight, I'll say an extra prayer for having such a loving and understanding mother and family. Sometimes I take it for granted, but I am truly blessed in that respect.

POLT = listening to "Losing My Religion" by R.E.M.

Freaks, they have a better view of the world than anybody else. They see things that others don't. -Christopher Rice

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